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Everything posted by KurtGodel77

  1. Judging from Stevestojan's post, he learned enough not to react hysterically every time a fat plumber loses the "right' to show the world his ugly behind.
  2. What disturbed me about these tactics was that they were trying to break down people's religious beliefs. WWII anti-Nazi propaganda was later broadened to a general attack on Western Civilization. This attack on the Muslim religion, if successful, will be broadened to an attack on all religions.
  3. Come to think of it, this is a pretty funny thread.
  4. I have to agree with your assessment of Wade as a DC.
  5. If you were a woman, this interest you've taken in . . . my body parts would be a little easier to understand.
  6. I believe I've already addressed those arguments. Again, if I've missed any, let me know. Your arguments are indeed hard to swallow. The Warner section sounds rational enough. I'm not sure that Losman is ready, because there's a difference between studying film and actually throwing the ball in practice. With that broken leg, he might need more practice time before he's ready. But the coaches are obviously in a better position to evaluate his progress than I am.
  7. I'm sorry, but I don't consider an accusation like "you are stupid" or "you don't understand Shroeder's theories" to be a stunning refutation of any point I've made. If I've failed to address an issue where someone was actually making a valid, supported point, let me know, and I'll deal with it. As for Warner, at least you're admitting that your dislike for the man has to do with his faith. Personally, I like the idea of rooting for a guy who was a complete underdog. A guy who's spent time bagging groceries probably appreciates his NFL opportunity a little more than a pampered first round pick like Ryan Leaf.
  8. Come to think of it, I was a Warner fan long before I learned he was a Christian. Here was a guy who reached rock bottom, who was bagging groceries for crying out loud. When he finally got his chance, he stepped onto the field and played without fear. He carved up defenses like a hot knife through butter. I think that anyone can admire a guy like that, and it's only after his Christian faith became an issue that I've noticed some people starting to dislike him.
  9. Some of this is just wild accusation, and the Warner comment is simply irrelevant. You talk about holes in Schroeder's theory, but what you really mean is that no current scientific theory can explain the passage of time at the exact instant the Big Bang took place. If Shroeder didn't have a degree you'd accuse him of not knowing anything. Given that he has a PhD in physics from MIT, you accuse him of . . . not knowing anything, and you accuse me of being in love with degrees. There is no pleasing you, because you have concluded in advance that Shroeder's theories are wrong.
  10. Problem is, I am capable of critical thought, which is why I don't accept your accusations against me . . . uncritically. Or indeed at all. Yes, I've written a lot on the topics I'm quoting, and no, there wasn't space to quote everything I'd written. If I've written something much more "obnoxious" about those subjects, go ahead and quote it. If you can't do so, I suggest you admit you're wrong. Which you are.
  11. There really isn't a lot here for me to respond to. I point out that Warner's QB rating was ten points higher than Bledsoe's, and suddenly I get accused of being in love with the guy. Your point about science PhDs might be true for someone with a PhD from Wannabe U, but less applicable to someone with a PhD from MIT.
  12. Present company excepted, of course!
  13. I'm saying that back in '99, I had confidence our defense would come through in clutch situations. I never had that confidence in our defense this year.
  14. You are unwise to use a phrase like "sounds stupid," at least not on a thread like this! DC Tom will come along and say something like, "What you said sounds stupid because it is stupid, just as you are stupid. In fact, anyone who has ever disagreed with me about whether Ilya Ehrenburg was or wasn't a Soviet propaganda minister is an absolute idiot. Come to think of it, just about the only time I get to see someone whose intelligence I respect is when I look in the mirror."
  15. At first it seemed like he was joking, but after a while I got the impression that he was actually confused between Jay Schroeder--the QB for the Raiders when we hammered them in the AFC Championship game--and Gerald Schroeder. If he was STILL on the Jay Schroeder "joke," it was clearly a case of pursuing a joke long after it had lost whatever humor it had had.
  16. What I wrote about FDR: Your interpretation: "Stalin is a stooge of FDR." What I wrote about Kurt Warner: Your interpretation: "Warner's the greatest quarterback in the league right now." What I wrote about Schroeder: Your interpretation: "Gerald Schroeder is the premire physicist of our era." I'm delighted that my posts don't go away. It means I get to correct gross misinterpretations such as yours.
  17. As is your habit, you're just plain wrong.
  18. If you're going to call him a joke, at least get his name right. It's Gerald Schroeder, not Jay. In answer to your question, I've never met a dumb MIT physics PhD. Have you? As far as discussing the subject at hand, I've been doing exactly that. Others on this thread--including yourself--have been relying on statements like "you're out of your league," "your arguments are stupid," "you are stupid," and the like.
  19. You are either forgetful or intellectually dishonest. I've never written that Kurt Warner was the greatest QB in the league right now, just that he might well be a better option than Bledsoe or Losman. I've never called Stalin a stooge of FDR, but I have pointed out that FDR's pro-Soviet foreign policy led to a weakened American position in the postwar period, as well as the mass murder of millions of Germans by the Soviet government. I've never called Schroeder the premire (sic) physicist of our era; I've merely stated that he's done some calculations about red shift, the relativistic effect caused by the universe's expansion, etc., that are well within the grasp of any qualified physicist.
  20. You've managed to write quite a long post without actually calling me or my ideas stupid. I'm sure that took unwonted self-control on your part. Well, you did break down a little in the last sentence, but I guess nobody's perfect. As usual, your arguments are based on a misinterpretation of what I've written. I never said that Shroeder has proven with absolute certainty that there can be only one possible interpretation of Big Bang theory and of the relativistic effects of the universe's expansion. He himself didn't claim this. Instead, he wrote that there was a mainstream interpretation of Big Bang theory, etc., which dovetailed quite nicely with what the Book of Genesis said about the subject. If science is unable to explain everything about the universe's creation, you can hardly blame Genesis for the fact! Now, you seem to be saying that time may have been so different during the quantum phase of the universe that days, months, years, or even millenia might have been added to the universe's apparent age from the point of view of an observer. Such a view cannot be either proven or disproven by mainstream science, because as you point out, mainstream science is simply unable to explain how time worked when the universe was in its quantum phase.
  21. It's Dr. Schroeder: he got his PhD in physics from MIT. Before you tell him that he's out of his league, please let us know which university you got your PhD in physic from. Oh, you mean to tell us that you don't have a PhD in physics? Too bad.
  22. The Steelers weren't just trying to maximize the number of points they scored. Given the fact they'd taken the lead, they were trying to kill the clock. A nine minute drive is pretty effective at doing that, don't you think? That drive would have been ten or eleven minutes had Buffalo not burned some of its timeouts. Before the drive began, there was still plenty of hope for the Bills to win. Because the Steelers burned 15% of the entire game clock on that one drive alone, they put the Bills in a position where, to win, the Bills had to score a TD, recover an onside kick, and then score again. It wasn't as hopeless as the situation the D put the Bills in at the end of the Jacksonville game, but it was close.
  23. My preference would be to use our 2nd round pick on an offensive lineman. We need more holes for McGahee to run through if we want to be a running team.
  24. You're the reason Americans don't know anything about science or math!
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