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Everything posted by HT02

  1. It would be nice if the Bills win this game but if I were betting real money I'd bet the Dolfish straight up. Who cares????? No one good plays in the pro bowl, no one watches it and will anyone remember even he were on the team? Who cares?
  2. We've all seen him making very bad throws and not seeing wide-open wide receivers, that's not the fault of his protection
  3. I agree with most of your points. I was okay with the pick, there are no guarantees in the draft. Where Whaley bears significant blame is that there has never been "plan b". The back-up QB's were always selected to ensure that EJ would likely be the best (or least worse) choice, Why didn't he have plans b and c in case EJ or lately Tyrod didn't develop as planned. The Seahawks did it when everyone thought Matt Flynn would be getting the starting job they still drafted Wilson. The Redskins did it when they drafted Cousins in the same draft as RG3. When the Cowboys had no QB but drafted Aikman. It drives me crazy when I hear people talk about "not damaging the young players confidence". If competition damages a QB's confidence, he probably doesn't belong in the NFL. To summarize the reason Whaley deserves to be held accountable is for not being prepared with options.
  4. I agree and everything Sully says in this article I am in agreement with.
  5. What else are you going to do at a Charger game?
  6. A more accurate analogy would be we gave up more passing yard but won where it counts
  7. Has he been wrong about the Bills and their missteps? He isn't negative he is being accurate.
  8. I agree with you on all your points I think you're dead-on. I would rather not make the change but I think it is done already. I would have let Whaley go and kept Rex for one more year,
  9. Bingo! That is what we should have been doing for the last several years.
  10. I'm pretty done with the drunken pre-game idiots too. These are the same morons who ruin the game day experience for everyone
  11. I agree with you on both counts, the sad part is actually like Rex his is fun and if they were winning we'd all be having a blast.
  12. Same here a couple of pools and some fantasy football is how I keep it going but those are all poor substitutes for games that matter
  13. That's exactly what I did 2 years ago after 13 Years as a season ticket holder.
  14. Its even getiing hard to get excited about that these days
  15. I agree 100%, first play from scrimmage take a season ending sack learn the concussion symptoms and never recover
  16. These are the kind of games the Bills win, meaningless games against weak opponents (and ones that usually hurt us in April at the draft)
  17. I live Phil but he got abused by the Cowboys front line. He was undersized Kyle is a better player, both good guys
  18. It's actually three things that Tyrod has demonstrated that tells me he is just a good back-up QB, the accuracy, the unwillingness to take take a chance that you cite and finally his inability to spot wide-open receivers. Sammy Watkins disgust couldn't have been anymore obvious.
  19. I was at the Chargers game, watch that one again and tell me that was a good defensive performance. They couldn't stop the Dolphins at all during the second half of the year and the Texans were an awful team. The defense played well against poor teams and Green Bay but they also had a good chance to lose that game if you recall but the GB receivers outright dropped a few passes when they were wide open. The term great should be reserved for the best of the best not a team that didn't come up big in big spots. I agree the offense was really bad but great defenses find a way to make stops in pressure situations.
  20. https://youtu.be/bpNw7jYkbVc I hate myself for loving you Joan Jett
  21. I'm not saying it was a bad defense it just wasn't a great one as people are remembering and describing it. You didn't mention the San Diego game which as equally awful for that team at home. The second Dolphin game in Miami, a game the Bills needed badly, the defense was not very good in the second half. The Patriot game at home was embarrassing and a great defense doesn't allow that very bad Oakland team to win the game. It was a good defense that might have gotten better but it was nowhere as good as last year's Denver defense or the recent Seahawk defenses which are both very god defenses. I agree with you that the defense looked very promising my point is that is wasn't a great defense. It was good and had promise but wasn't great t The Patriot game in Buffalo was awful as was the games against San Diego, Miami in Miami they gave up a bunch of points to a pretty bad Texan's team. It was good but not great
  22. I suspect that he is who he has shown us to he is. He has played very well at times in the past and if he returns to that form that is exactly when to trade him because he will also likely let the Bills down again by doing something else stupid.
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