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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. If you don't see a post back here on monday ........ you still get prime parking for the TBD tailgate parking.
  2. Thanks Jack Usually there is a warning label on the script bottle. there was none. So tomorrow, July 31, 2010 I will have to stop my quest (Bucket list) of being drunk , every day, for one month. One day short. Darn you Ivy, Darn you.
  3. Took two pills around 1pm by 3pm my face swelling was greatly reduce. Had a couple of beers (Hoptical Illusion) and a little puffyness came back to my left side of my face. Thank you to all have posted with the thoughts on this evil plant.
  4. Went. They gave me Prednisone 20mg. 2 Tablets once a day for 5 days.
  5. The wife is pushing me to go to see a Doctor. My face, more on the left side is swollen. My eyes are not swollen shut, just real puffy. Forehead is warm but I have no blister on it. We pulled out the fence Monday around 2pm. Rash showed up Tuesday morning. Face swelling wednesday morning. I'm not really itching yet.
  6. I got some of the Benadryl GEL. It works. The Ivy dry was also recommend by the manager of CVS. I went to Feel Rite and got some Hyland's Poison Ivy/Oak Natural Relief for Itching pills. It has Rhus Toxicodendron 6x HPUS in it. I figured I'll give it a try.
  7. I Helped out removing some fencing and now I got Poison Ivy Bad. My arms mainly. I woke up this morning and I had huge bags under my eyes, sort of the way Billy Clinton had after a hard night and some puffyness. Tonight the right side of my face feels fine. The left side is puffy.The itch has not started but I read about Rhus Tox and Natra and wonder if they work? Anyone?
  8. Why pay $25 when you can pay $20 at Hammer's Lot and not having to worry about your car being broken in to!
  9. From my source, so was Josh. Patriots and Rams were the only ones showing interest. He was wondering if his agent lost his number. This past week the Pats called him and later the same day the Chargers called.
  10. Sorry to say but we do not work in Buffalo. I'll pm you with more info.
  11. Sorry to hear you hired a unprofessional company. When I hire a worker the first thing I say, DON'T bother coming to work if drunk, hungover, or buzzed because you will no longer be working with me. We cover everything with tarps or plywood as needed. Clean up is constantly preformed. All trash picked up, magnet sweeped for nails then we break for lunch. All the shingles must have the same run code (born on date) I love when one of the big companys (salesman sells job large crew shows up and does the tornado job) and they install different shade (not same born on date code) shingles . They stick out like a sore thumb. I love this one house in O.P. near Freeman pond. Beautiful house, relly nice yard, but one bundle of shingles on the house are not even the same color as the main shingle ( Barkwood -Brown- Burnt siena Red Brown) Respect your employer's (the home owner I'm just the middelman) property No swearing, smoker pick up your butts. The nicest comment I got from a former employee was when he called me a sob.
  12. Where are you located? Because you post on this board, I'll have to charge you 2 beers for a est.
  13. Seems like a fair price for all the work involved. I would guess a 2-3 story home with a 6-12 pitch. Sheeted with 4 ply 1/2 inch plywood. 5 1/2 feet ice and water shield. Flashing and valley work adds t & m. Trash weight I'll guess at 4.3 tons. Cost of a square of 30 year Good Quality shingles today in WNY $100 with tax. Crappy shingles $87 w/t
  14. You are right sir. But Neil Young said he will be happy to play a tune or two for me.
  15. Clicked lick. Down for maintence. Just another Rubeo in the wall!
  16. How many people does she plan to be at the reception?
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