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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. Upper deck seating is unfortunately free-for-alls? Really. Not where I seat. Well behaved, no fights, Never ever had a beer spilled on me. I don't know where you get your info , but it's wrong.
  2. It was pretty bad at Hammer's lot this game. Girls wearing low cut tops. My God Hammer's lot is not a tanning salon. When I tried to eat a hot dog, I got accosted by some dudes named Ketchup and Mustard. I think Jay Rubeo took some which I might need for evidence.
  3. Go figure a guy who wears a kilt to a Bills game would notice that!!!
  4. Correct due to fights last year on a Saturday night before a game.
  5. After running Hammer's Lot for over 28 years, over 99.999% of parkers listen to basic parking instructions, no problems. 00.001% have problems with basic parking instructions, problems. As you stated, you'll tell your friends to park elsewhere, I'll park the 99.999%er's.
  6. In the 28 years of running Hammer's Lot 2 parkers have been asked to leave. Over 99.999% of parkers listen to basic parking instructions, no problems. 0001% have problems with basic parking instructions, problems. As you stated you'll tell your friends to park elsewhere. I'll park the otherr 99.999%ers.
  7. It's legal to have a open container in O.P. per conversation I had with a high ranking O.P. Police officer.
  8. Yes and yes. No snow on the grounds at the Hammer compound. It looks like it would have been a great day for football at the Ralph this Sunday. 50 and partly SUNNY.
  9. Bathrooms in the parking lots! When it gets cold they will be packed with "heat seekers". I hope they make them a $$$$ makes charging for per use, selling naming rights per stall. Don't forget now you will have added "game day cost", paid by Erie County, of an restroom attendant. Added cost of maintence, ,repairs , etc. Don't forget to tip the attendant! They will be a "waste" of money.
  10. http://www.wgrz.com/news/article/139428/1/Holland-Soccer-Teams-Appeal-Denied While I have no direct connection to the Holland Girls Soccer team this is not right. The girl's did nothing wrong, the administration screwed up.
  11. The Titans have a $2.00 per ticket user fee for stadium improvements. There is $5.9 million in the fund now from 2 years worth of ticket sales. They want to increase it to $3.00 by 2013. They are proposing $25 million in upgrades to the stadium this off season. They want goverment backed bonds, which the user fund will be used to pay off the bonds, to pay for the improvements. So the question is, you know the Bills will be increasing tickets next year, how much of that increase should be used for a "Ralph Wilson Stadium User Fee? $1.00, $2.00, $3.00???
  12. Pat Williams is looking for a job and he could clog the middle.
  13. So sad. The nicest, humblest Buffalo Bill that I ever met. Partied with him the night he retired. RIP Kent.
  14. Perhaps because the Bills never cleaned the trash from the employee parking lot until this morning from last weeks game.
  15. Close call Even homer Phil S, gave iy a pass. Fitz tried to arm throw and not step into it.
  16. I'll take a cheap first down any time. I think that non call was a mojo changer.
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