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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. To see players stand at One Bills Drive around noon on the saturday before the game and watch the red hulk do a burn out. Parking, I have no clue. Food Big Tree Inn or Dannys or a little bit from the stadium the rockpile pub in Hamburg
  2. Where did they park? Being from Rochester and meeting at Tailgaters I would think on the North side of the stadium. Did he climb a fence near the ravine while being chased There are a lot of security cameras around the Ralph hopefully one of them caught something.
  3. He still has property here in WNY and his wife owners a store in the Buff.
  4. The reason in part why the Evans crew tailgated in Hammer's Lot is that The Hammer's Lot is the Best Tailgating Lot at the Ralph as rated by Joe Cahn Tailgating Commish. Second Lee sold his house in Orchard Park (watch the paper) so it was moving time. His family was in town to help with the move. Third Lee might not be done with the NFL. He stated to me right after he pulled into Hammer's Lot that he was taking a year off for.... I can't say why put yes there are teams interested in him. Fourth Ba Ba Ba walk to or ride your bike to Hammer's Lot next game and ask Super Fan to show you the picture he took with Lee
  5. Sonny, why would you say I'm trying to sell you to my lot. All I did was back up Nick's post. Thank You You are correct sir. And once again Thanks for the outstanding Stromboli.
  6. Whats wrong with feeling at home in Buffalo/OP perhaps you might want to visit.
  7. Was it a drop or checkout a db with over sized gloves with tinfoil/ lead strips in them? Do the refs check player equipment after games? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  8. Why would he not want to enjoy a tailgate party with his family and friends at Hammer's Lot. Lee and his family enjoyed their tailgate just like you would have. I kept it on the low down but somebody saw him when he and his family got out of their car headed to his mom and dads tailgate party. A small group of fans asked for pictures which Lee has never turned down in all the times he was in the lot. He got a chuckle out of Super Fans outfit, saying something about charo?
  9. Abbott Road is still only blocked in front of the stadium. Not totally closed from 20 to 20a. This false media reporting helps add to the confusion.
  10. Well you can thank the media in helping out with traffic congestion. Stating that Abbott road is closed between 20 and 20a is and was FALSE. Also the blockade in front of the Ralph has failed.
  11. Gordio that sucked if that would have happened in my lot the guy would have been arrested. As far as trash I had the same amount as the other games. One thing I did notice was there was too many young blond girls in my lot yesterday!
  12. Getting a rise from the game? You should get out more often. Why? I should open at 8am and by 2pm have a bunch of drunks to deal with. I think/know not. The tailgate32 crew pulled in around 2 Tuesday. Louies zhity canoes for starters. Anchor bar and than Duffs for wings last night. Perhaps some chicken wing soup and beef on weck today after a tour of Buffalo this morning. BTI tonight. Are you taking it in to the game also to keep warm???
  13. 2 brothers on the Ultimate Road Trip 17 stadium 32 teams all in one season. Check out their videos they do one for each city. I like the Oakland one the best. They will be hanging/tailgating with the Hammer, and of course Pinto Kenny at Hammer's Lot. You can't miss their RV. Stop on by and say Hi. tailgate32.com
  14. I listened to the game On Gr550 Murph and Kelso were going nuts over some of the refs calls. Mark got so at one point mad he took a time out and had to take his headset off. I think his off air comment was !@#$%^&*()_+_)(*&^%$#@!
  15. Dam I miss '" Buddy the Wonder Dogs"' inside info.
  16. If you find where the Pinto Ron tailgate is let me. Thank You
  17. What cities do the New Jersey Jets and New Jersey Giants play in?
  18. Don't forget to fill your tub with water before the power goes out. Stay safe and good luck
  19. What % is pretty much? So how many PSL will you be buying in the new stadium?
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