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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. Yep. Why did they put windmills on the lake shore. Roadways????? Where is the parking??? Tailgating forget about it.
  2. Even thou I am not a JJ fan, I have to hand it to him as he was the ONLY driver to figure out how to use the side draft to get to the front.
  3. Is that an OShit violation? Where are his safety glasses while working with the grinder?
  4. Danica in the lower groove soon to be in the back of the train
  5. drivers and danica start your engines too funny
  6. I like his brother Tony driving the #14 car.
  7. One of the speakers/supporters, Pat Freeman has said in the past that the Ralph needs $300 million dollars of concrete work. His figure was way of base. The location of snake oil stadium sucks.
  8. No, the point I was trying to make was if not for Frank then the Bills would have never had a 4 SB run.
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