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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. Not a option. Sherriffs Dept stressed out just like Fire and EMS. We got flooding coming up next.
  2. On the contrary, this a once in a hundred year storm. All good for the next 99 years
  3. I got plenty room for snow. Come on over with your shovel! We are getting hit again. Can't see across the street.
  4. Just saw first snow plows clearing path for gas tank truck on Abbott Road. Erie County Executive just said they can not commit sheriffs for bills game day traffic control as of now. With upcoming melting they will be needed for next phase.
  5. Did you hear Scott's interview? Did he fake losing phone contact when the game question came up? Seems weird he got his points in in the beginning of interview but when Melissa starting to ask tough question........
  6. All good here. Threw my back out Sunday, chiro on Monday, snow shoveling therapy WednesdayThursdayFriday. Pay loaders were getting stuck removing snow in front of the Ralph. Roads are very slick under the snow. Have yet to see any beer trucks. I think they are exempt from driving ban!
  7. Town high lift er pay loader came through to clear the street corners and scrap the road. He had to lift the bucket as the road is slick as bbs. 4x4 plow trucks getting stuck in driveways. We only have 3 feet. Some people have 6-7 feet in their driveways . Abbott Road in front of the Ralph is down to 13/4 lanes a rutted. The Sun is out. Beer supply OK.
  8. When did this happen. I don't see it. This is the projected amt of snow to be removed.
  9. Far from a Old man you wipper snapper! I prefer the term more experienced man.
  10. Rookie! 57 years here and I have seen it worst. After the storm of 77 the snow was so deep we were walking on top of the cabs of tractor trailers on Abbott Road in front of One Bills Drive. Over to ECC South and jumping (2stories) off the roof in to the snow banks! They brought in a large payload to remove the snow which sometimes contain a car on Abbott road.
  11. Still only up to my knees (24.5 inches) in several spots in my yard. With the wind I have a couple of spots where I have 5' tall drifts. Last and only town of Orchard Park snowplow that I saw 3am Tuesday morning!
  12. Yep for the Stromboli, South Philly cheese steak sandwich, and bowling ball shot. (Way better than Danny's)
  13. Post game show on wivb showed grounds crew cutting the grass right after the game probably to remove the slippery chemicals which only affected Bills players!
  14. 247 yards + 5 sacks= 252. With a guess of 147 (Price is Right Rules) is BringBackFergy. Only two more contests left this season.
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