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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. I heard on WBEN930 that Talley signed up to be there last June before the Rally for Talley fund raiser. Rumor has it that Two Bills Drive poster Chevy Van Miller Chase who started the drive will be meeting with Daryl for the first time this weekend.
  2. Well if all the players buy a suite problem solved. I know players buy suites because I have been in a couple of players suites.
  3. I got a great idea. To help you and all other posters who want a new stadium and all the amenities that come with it, I will help you get acclimated to the new pricing structure. So to do my part I am offering $50 per game parking in Hammers Lot. You should sign up fast as I'm sure others will see the benefit to getting use to paying more for parking now so that it won't be a shock to them later.
  4. I like the mini garbage option (trash can?) for throwing things out
  5. $130 million for bathroom and concession work only! Wow. As far as the sewage leak it was NOT caused by the old pipes but by the NEW pipes not being lined up correctly.
  6. I love the fan experience. Best sight lines in the NFL. I have no problem with my seats. Restrooms, no problem. Concessions, no problem, we grab some food as we walk in. As far as structural integrity, I have talked with some of the workers and higher ups who said the stadium could last another 30 years. What is long term to you? Dilapidated?????
  7. I was sipping some tequilla the other night and came up with away to save even more of my tax payer $$$$ retro only half of the Ralph. Rip down one side rebuild with the "suites to compete $$$" and what ever the upper cru$t football fan wants . If and when WNY turns around and can afford it do the other side A mayor who does not answer any tough questions like about BMHA funding.
  8. All very good points. Buffalo 4th poorest city in the US and people think what can fly in LA San Fran, New England will work in Buffalo. A good site to read and follow is Field of Schemes all about stadium$$$$ and the PR machines. I was actually shocked to read in today's Buffalo News ( up to this point ever thing has been rainbows and puppy dog tails good) a negative story about a downtown stadium site . Of course that site is stepping on some powerful toes.
  9. Been to two Super Bowls I'll take the cash and get me and the wife some vacation play money.
  10. Having Ralph Wilson Stadium (cost $20 million to build)in Orchard Park has had a lot of economic impact on a lot of people. I'll give you one example parking. There is a lot of community parking, meaning home owners who park cars on there lawns. With a downtown stadium parking will benefit a few corporations who control the bulk of the parking lots. Also parking is cheap around the Ralph (lots of parking) How much do you think it will be in a downtown setting?
  11. My unbiased opinion is save a half billion dollars and retro the Ralph.
  12. Well I read the 141 page study. One very important issue not reported was the crime factor. My buddy Rick and I went to a Bills vs Colts game walked around a corner and saw a guy being robbed at gun point. Point being there was a study done concerning safety around stadiums. The neighborhood around the Ralph is rated second safest. Parking is cheap around the Ralph. Buffalo lots can charge upto $60 per car and with the lots controlled by a few what do you think you will pay to park? Orchard Park Chief of Police said since one way exit traffic started on Big Tree Road traffic clears out 40 minutes faster. I been downtown after FNC events (19,000) people) One hour stuck in the crawling traffic, 60,000 people ...... Gov Cuomo said during his election campaign no state money to be used for a new stadium, renovations money ???, in the end it's the Pegulas decision how much they want to spend.
  13. Besides the Final 4 Moster Jam and Supercross they tried them at the Ralph. Weak attendance. DCI headquarters are in Indy (i think they got a sweet heart deal to locate there) so logically World Chamionship are held there (5 year contract). They held the Championships @ the Ralph and the turn out was very good, in think in the 40,000 area.
  14. you forgot wedding hall I think when the time comes it will be converted to a large fishing/swimming pond.
  15. What do you mean no build up, there r a bunch of restrauants we got a Louie's hot dog, Tim Hortons, Jack Devines to mention a few. Car dealers and buildup of a industrial park. I see Buffalo has had a lot of development since 1973?????
  16. That snow storm was a snow storm of a life time affecting a lot of vital services employees in a lot of communities. Dome or No dome, that game would not have been played as people were overly tired from snow related services/dutys. People needed rest. You would not have had enough cops directing traffic etc....
  17. Do you mean the paving company that paved SouthGate plaza's parking lot this summer?
  18. I don't know where the 10,000 psler's will come from, the Bills don't sell out the clubs now!
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