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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. New stadiums are like casinos, they are designed to have you spend all your game day $$$ in them, not around them. If there is any spin off development it hurts existing properties away from the "stadium zone".
  2. And also a big dude, nice guy (not jay Rosen) former Buffalo Bill Gabe Northern stopped by to check out the many tailgate parties. He looks like he could still play.
  3. It has been reported Foxboro chief of police head of security at pats home field for 31 years.
  4. The car is freed. Tow recovery company dumped chemicals on it and it was freed in15-20 minutes. Loaded on a flat bed headed to heated garage and supposedly drive able later today.
  5. The city of Minneapolis kicked in $150 million plus for the Vikings stadium. Buffalo 2nd poorest city in the USA I would think has zero bucks to kickin considering some of the infrastructure problems that are already present in other parts of the city. Erie County Executive is in favor of rehabing the Ralph. New York State governor has said no $$$ for a new stadium. So it comes down to the Pegulas spending roughly $1 billion or rehab the Ralph or as once again I heard this weekend from someone who does not know my position in the stadium location issue talked about the sale of ECC South land for stadium development. We all can speculate but in the end it's up to the Pegulas.
  6. Reading Vice.Sports.com and it seems the bus lot is a lot of fun. Not. A couple of years ago the Bills went to Disney style parking. So the culture they cultivated in their lots moved out and infeasted the private lots and now they blame the private lot for the bs going on now. I plan on putting up some new signage next year to influence stupid from not happening.
  7. I would prefer that they use a rake! I would have no problem having that happen. In the past I have had the Erie County Mounted (horse) patrol go thru the lot. I have had a Orchard Park cop in his car who would stop by to talk. It sets a visual tone. There are certain things I do not allow on my property. Beer funnels and Wizzer bats are two of them. I have a lot of "eyes" in my lot. They know what good tailgating is and what is boorish. Your not the only one who noticed that. It looks like the same group for the most part who are in the videos.
  8. I ask a ton of people this year remodel the Ralph or downtown stadium. Overwhelming Remodel the Ralph. When I did a TV interview a couple of weeks ago, the TV reporter brought the d-stadium idea up. She had so many unbias negative points about the d-stadium. I still think the Pegulas might try something with the ECC south land sorta of like Patriots place or a variation of the Cowboys Ford Center at the Star.
  9. Easy to identify which lots some of these acts are taking place. Private and Bills Lots
  10. He gives TVs to his O line but cancels TV guest appearance for tonight. Strange
  11. Really? I think your taking about the mud lot and not Hammers Lot which I dumped $5,000 worth of fill/grading 2 years ago. For the Cowboys game there will be a appearance by the Red Zone Cheer and Dance Squad. From 9-11am I have lined up a former Buffalo Bill to make an appearance (pictures/autographs). You never know what might happen (Weather channel broadcasted live for a couple of hours the Texans game interviewing a lot of different tailgaters) in Hammers Lot. Its not as crazy as the opener (TBDAHOT) party. Like what Mead said 9:30-10:15 should be fine for arrivial.
  12. rush 240 + punt 140 = 380 You are the WINNER DM with your info, name, address and t shirt size..
  13. I'm with you, Hammered a Lot for a reason. I have to leave the house and go to the Big Tree Inn as yelling at the tv upsets 96 years old Buddy the Wonder Dog.
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