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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. I bet the land bought by the Pegulas (er us I think the state & ec give the Bills $14 million a year) will transfer over to Erie County and become part of the tax free land Ralph Land. What the police move more cars out of the Ralph (70,000 fans) in less time than a event @ the FNC (18,000) Nobody shot in Orchard Park this week, Buffalo?????
  2. Minor detail but Johns source is wrong, property closed one week ago that's why the thread Chevy Van Miller was pulled. And Chevy Van Miller should get credit for breaking this story. The practice field I guess will be just a basic field, not what I heard. Either and or just like the new draft room construction, the new practice field is one more improvement at the Ralph complex. Step by step.
  3. Something like that. From what I hear, what will happen on this land will be pretty cool and you don't get cool unless you spend mucho dinero.
  4. Last week, a Buffalo Bills Fan Based site reported that the Buffalo Bills have bought land from multiple people around the Ralph. Some of the info was incorrect. I have kept this under wraps as no deal is complete until $$ have been exchanged. My sources have confirmed that this business transaction has taken place. What will become of this land .........
  5. I guess you have to be the judge. The collection includes a Bills Snow Thrower (one stage). For those who know how to link it, WIVB TV had a feature on this collection this morning. Is a Bills Stromboli in his collection? Of course they are Of course they are Of course they are because there no place like Da Ralph (home) as I click my red spikes Yes it would be
  6. The Buffalo Historical Museum has acquired the largest known collection of Buffalo Bills memorabilia. The Greg D. Trantor Collection. The collection has over 6,000 three dimensional items and 100,000 archival items. One of the items is the only known surviving Blue and Silver Bills jersey from the 1960/1961 seasons. Looking for something to do on a Saturday before a Buffalo Bills game, check out buffalohistory.org for more info. Here is a little bit about Greg Trantor's collecting passion. https://buffalohistorymuseum.wordpress.com/2014/09/06/my-collecting-passion/
  7. I guess you don't know the FBI and home land security do fly overs all the time.
  8. Just Confirmed the BillsMafia Tailgate in Hammers Lot for Cardnials game. They do a Chinese auction for charity. A lot of Bills collectables up for the taking.
  9. I'm thinking about setting up a paypal acct.. This way I won't get stiffed by no shows and late arrivers will have a spot held for them. Opening time is not set yet for main parking. I don't want to deal with "sloppy". TBDHOT area will probably open around 12-1pm. I will have a lighting tower. Parking list will start one month before the tailgate. I'll try to periscope the event.
  10. Did not know about the opening game. You got me there. I got some news about something bigger from a source concerning the Bills which should come out shortly that will get the stadium talk going again.
  11. Last year was from a source that I will not be using again. Chances are the Bills will host a Thursday night game. I really don't want/like night games.I would rather see the Bills host 4pm games Early in the season.
  12. NO night games, Sorry
  13. We are over booked. Anybody want to give up your seat we will give you.....
  14. When he co-hosted a sports show last year he stated he wanted to get into broadcasting after his football playing days were over.
  15. Free food and drink are for the high rollers not for the common folk.
  16. I guess the ticket scanners are connected to wi-fi also. The wi-fi was down at Jerrys Palace Sunday causing fans to wait upto 5 hours to get in to watch wrestle mania as the ticket scanners were not working. The choice for vehicle control at the Ralph was boulders or metal poles and guard rails. I like the rocks.
  17. Zach Brown signs one year deal with Bills
  18. How about Grunnel
  19. Mario Williams house is nice OP/E Aurora
  20. Infrastructure water, sewer, electric already there. New Maintence and concession/ Video building just built. This year there is another round of work being done, part of the $130 million. I think the Pegulas are happy on the 199 acre complex in Orchard Park. I wonder when they remodel Da Ralph or build a new stadium in OP if all the downtown supports will still support the Bills as season ticket holders.
  21. Your right. Talked with a owner of a local restaurant, they eat there every day!!!
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