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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. I believe NYCity has uber
  2. Go find it (sort of like a treasure hunt Pokemon type of adventure)and sign up
  3. Once again I get to put up with the derelicts and low life's attending the Two Bills Drive Tailgate Party. As always Parking choices are "Prime" party area (limited parking) or "General" parking. If you would like "Prime" or "General" spot(s) please post 1prime or 1general spot. Please post est. arrive time also. Parking start and holding of spots time to be determined, more info to come. And most importantly, to make parking easier PLEASE have and show when you arrive, a large easy to read sign with TBD & your parking choice (P or G) on it. Also tell use your TBD name so we can cross it off the LL List Thank You, I remain Hammered a Lot.
  4. Well atleast the Buffalo Billion (NYS Gov) is giving $125,000 to a candy shop for a make over. That's $$$ well spent!
  5. If you are staying in downtown Buffalo check out Rally Bus
  6. Has anyone watch this show or have any info on Matty? I have been contacted for a possible episode to be shot in Hammers Lot. Any info would be great. Thanks
  7. One thing I noticed is why did the video girl not reach over and try to stop the bleeding from her boy friend wounds ?
  8. How so? This ordinances does nothing on stadium property. I think the opposite is true.
  9. No vote or discussion (by town board) at tonight's OP board meeting. Andy Majors from the Bills spoke as did the Mark the owner of yellow brick parking (his property is R zoned) and I spoke. I also read a letter from Abbott Road Joe who was unable to be at the meeting.
  10. What does this have to do with police access? Count I'm curious when you have company over at your house do you greet them at their car and have them sign a waiver?
  11. When Mike Sherry spoke in support of the police access for the "permit needed " commercial lots he said it was needed so the police could make sure there was enough Restrooms on site!!!!!! I'm guessing former doctor office or ice cream business? Write up a letter, drop it off at my house and I'll read it at the town board meeting on your behalf. The bills say they are working with the neighbors (what nope ??) concerning the new parking rules. The bills said there is going to be a meeting with the neighbors to discuss the new rules. I heard of no date, location have you joe?
  12. Table slaming goes on in the stadium lots. Where was the Whizzer bat guy (first dead spin video which got the ball rolling) Stadium Bus Lot. Russ Brandon pr err bs makes it sound like it's all in the neighborhood lots. Not true. Go watch the classic Bills Army video on YouTube. The bills cultivated the anything goes culture. When they went to the Disney style parking some not all of that culture went to the neighboring lots. If you go to the E code book for the town of Orchard Park R-3 R-4 uses section No where does it say you can park cars for $$$. In 2011 the town board passed a law allowing parking on residential property which might not be legal. But the town allows it, and they can take it away just as easy. I can't wait to hear you speak at the next town board meeting July 6 2016 7pm town hall don't be late! Police access is for all police depts not just Orchard Park.
  13. I don't eat desserts that's how I maintain my svelte body shape.
  14. After that Sign, I have no desire to support their business.
  15. That's the proposed stadium from a couple of years ago.
  16. RIP Mr Dwight Adams
  17. The price of construction materials have not increased in the past couple of years. Union labor cost I have no clue about.
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