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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. I was hoping that they would win but good try anyways. I think they should still go up in the rankings (#11) by losing a close game to the #1 team in the nation.
  2. The U.S. Air Force Buffalo Snocross Doubleheader. http://www.wsaracing.com/portalpak/default.asp With there being a minor El Nino this year, all the snow will be gone by then. WERE DOOMED!!!!
  3. This sounds like the Giambra solution. Hire all of your relatives to overpaid government jobs. Pretty soon voters will smarten up and you and your uncle will be working at Wal-Mart for minimum wage and no benefits. Former head of O.P. Democratic Committe (during the Gorski administration) was, according to the Buffalo News article a couple of years ago, hired at a wage of over $66,000 a year (more than her boss) to fill out ECC student tuition forms. The county pension bill this year is around $50 million. The hire the insider crap has been going on forever and now Erie County is paying for it. Some time I'll post the story of how high end $$$$ furniture was bought for the kiddy detention center, and nowbody knows what happen to it. This was done before the Giambra term.
  4. Save some $$$ for the Master, Carlos Santana. Some of his tour dates are up on his web site now.
  5. So, what would shock you the most (see: piss you off), what would be a pleasant surprise, or do you think TD is going to stay right where we are and play is safe? I think he will look after the growing female fans by installing a kros or two. http://www.smallworld.com.au/pmate.htm
  6. http://www.kwbuffalo.com/gallery_milloy.php I saw his truck on clean the locker room day. A head turner. I like to see him hook bumpers with his Hummer and see which would win in a demo derby!!!
  7. It was questioned by a friend, McNabb throws interception, Pats defensive back runs forward and then slides feet first, there is 3 seconds on the clock, he (db) gets up and is surrounded by other Pats player. The question is did a Eagle player touch the db, is the play over because he slide feet first (I thought only QB's feet first slide ended the play), or is it still a live ball (3 sec. left) and the Eagles could have picked the ball up and ran it back for a TD?????
  8. According to NY Times, Cable Vision (owners of MSG) has offered $350 million (jets offer $100 million) for the land where the Jets and the NYC mayor want a stadium. This is getting interesting. The Giants want a new $700 million stadium. The NFL wants a new stadium for the 49er's (and one in LA). There is unhappines in New Orleans with the lease of the Saints and there owner. The Colts will be getting a new stadium soon?? San Diego????Raoders???? Jags cover up seats to lower sell out count ( some tickets cost $13.50!!!!!!) The Arizona stadium will have a natural grass field on a moveable tray. source Red Zone. Com
  9. I would stop so Buddy "The Wonder" dog could give dan a one leg salute.
  10. Selling salts so when TO scores I can do a hit and dance the Ammonia Huffel!!!
  11. Jim K. giving you the hair eye ball! No way. Every time I see him on TV or hear him on the radio he is such a nice guy. Mister Polished, what a !@#$. How sad is it (or Mocking the people he phuck over) the he is hooked up with a debt reducing company (Ameriquest) what an !@#$. I think they said on the wgr550 Bulldog and Mensa show yesterday that Nike gift bag is worth $800-$900 The Girl, Priceless!!!!! Like Pink Floyd said "I wish I was there". Have fun and send a postcard.
  12. I think there was a post in the past were taterhill wants everyone to come to his crib.
  13. And think about the effect on the locals that depend on those 8 home games. Why, our own Buddy The Wonder Dog might have to switch from canned food to dry, since Hammer won't be make big bucks with that loss of one game?????????? Big Bucks???? Lets see My Insurance<NEVER had A Claim in 23 years> went up last year $200 (it's over $1,000.00) The <8>restrooms are $30 each per game. My property taxes went up 9.5% last year Let's not forget garbage, cleaning and dumping and electric. My parking price includes 8.25% tax. Did I mention the BIG tax, my WIFE!!! I wished somebody would donate their time (Heck I'm only asking for 10 days a year free labor) to my company so I could PAD my bottom line. I am not crying. Every money making venture?? has it's +'s and -'s. The writing is on the 'Wall". When Erie County and NY State paid for the rehab work at the Ralph the NFL paid Zero. They make no committment to the WNY community. The NFL has helped ($$$) with other stadium remodeling work. Buddy only eats dry food.
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