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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. Good job Guffalo If I may add after your ride on the Maid Of The Mist, and before dinner, I would HIGHLY recommend, It always get my wife's heart beating a little faster and it also gets her total wet, http://www.niagarafallslive.com/niagara_fa...ol_jetboat_.htm Steaks to get your energy level up. ??? EBgreens.com Rated #9 steak house in the U. S. OF A. located in Hyatt Hotel in Buffalo Of course game day should be spent sitting with the TBD group (If the TBD party is opening game) Need tickets? I have extras on the 50 yardline upper deck on the sunnyside of the Ralph.?
  2. Campell is supposed to be on my favorite buffalo sports radio station, wgr, Weds. morning. Jeremy or Simon might ask him how he is doing.
  3. I'm so pissed off that when I tried to point out waste 7+ years ago nothing was done back then. Even being in the newspaper, on the radio with Gorski for 15 minutes, and being on Channel 7 (channel 2's Rich Kellerman blow me off), the waste still happened. One day I watched when the county workers put up the jim kelly signs on single metal poles . The next day they came back, and took the metal poles down, unscrewed the signs and reattached them to 2 poles, and put the pole up. In my business, I call it double touching, which doubles the work, but cost my fixed profit in half. I also heard how the county workers, while doing the jim kelly signs, stood around in front of my favorite bar BTI for 2 hours doing nothing 2x6 guys = waste. It all adds up.
  4. And Jason can also provide the halftime show. http://www.ringling.com/schedule/schedule.sap?id=93077 Throw in a local out of favor elected official and it just like the old days of Rome!
  5. http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/tribune-re...e/s_295960.html Below, "Passing the Torch" The Rooney family also have some concerns about transfer of ownership of the Steelers. "there are some issues, such as family estate taxes, that must be resolved". I just wonder if the almighty power of the NFL might find a way to get the tax code changed in their favour.
  6. Will Social Security be lock boxed ??? All I see is another way to raise $$$$, which in the end will be misspent. A employer matches the FICA taxes 6.2% and Meds. 1.45% tax, which you pay in the end because the employer will not eat added expenses. So raise wages, which raises tax revenue, which raises prices on products, which in the end is misspent.
  7. Revenue Revenue from NFL TV and Merch $100M Tickets, parking, concessions $80M Local marketing contracts radio and TV $3M Erie County Lease $5M Other stadium events $2M Other stadium events??I think this figure is $0 I do not think the jim kelly footbal camp pays anything. Other than the Snocross this year the stadium sits empty. To the best of my knowledge Ralph is in the life insurance/finance/horse racing/counter top manufactoring/largest road paving company west of the Mississippi/TV and Radio Stations? business. I think he is not hurting for bucks.
  8. Fowler bought the Vikings with the help of some money men from NYC I think. So Tommie G hooks up with Danny Wegmans, J. Jacobs, Celino and Barnes, Jim Kelly!!!! and a couple of other silent partners. They could Git Er Done.
  9. http://www.erie.gov/cgi/search.cgi?Range=A...s=stadium+lease
  10. One slip er slash of the sword in the esophagus could cause Death. Don't try this at home or work! They used a x-ray machine to show a sword going down a guys throat and what happens as a guy eats glass! Now I know how to get rid of that tickle in my throat! Airs again 3-6-05 (Sunday) 2pm
  11. him were my foot should be!!! They rotate the draft for Hockey, I do not know if they rotate the site for MLB or NBA. Hey NFL share the wealth. Help support the economy of those that help line your pockets with Gold, You will not play a Super Bowl in a COLD weather open air stadium, and when have you held a owners meeting here ????? I can't wait for the day when Erie County N.Y. (the talk has started )leaves NY and Joins PA. http://theredzone.org/news/showarticle.asp?ArticleID=2354
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