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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. All losses hurt but this one hurts a little more as my wife and I introduced Kathy and Mike to each other. I knew Mike since the days before the stadium when our hoods, his being just down the road, would play football against each other. Every Bills game, Mike and Kathy would be at our house. Mike and I would rib each other saying our neighborhood football team never lost to the others team. A couple of TBD's met Mike last year. The Bro, Rich and the Rev in Jersey. My wife is a wreck as she was over their house yesterday helping them set up their computer. So if you could be so kind and say a prayer or send some good karma to 5 year old Brittney, 9 year old Cody, and to mom Kathy in their time need.
  2. http://www.wben.com/newsroom/fullstory.php?newsid=02827 During the year, the Buffalo News does not print anything about the stadium arrests for fighting or being just dumb drunk, or all the cars that are broken into at the stadium lots while you are in the stadium watching the game. On a side note Hammer's Lot in 24 years, Has NEVER had a car popped. Where else would you want to park safe?
  3. Stadium issues around the NFL Indy stadium funding Indiana house bill #1846 $10 per ticket user (fan) fee I like this one--2% tax on team players income, etc. http://www.in.gov/legislature/bills/2005/HB/HB1846.1.html Giants?NJ stadium talks fall apart NJ wants 6% tax on suites, Giants say no way Jets try to get Giants to join their stadium effort, Giants say no way. Proposed Jets stadium just picked up key support from police detectives union??? 49s/NFL what new stadium. Saints have issues. Chargers stadium? LA stadium?
  4. Green Bay is also listed in his tour of the NFL this week.
  5. And those Sheriff Deputies at the Ralph are being paid by the Bills as a part time gig- Not the County. I believe Erie County pays the Sheriffs, per the stadium lease agreement.
  6. I'm on it and will see what I can do.
  7. When your there, ask Denny why the Bills are reneging on the building of the Bills Museum. Green Bay does it up right http://greenbaypressgazette.packersnews.co..._11885966.shtml
  8. Another meeting in O.P.? Perhaps the Ralph Wilson Field House? On a side note, now a Channel 2 reporter Scott Brown, was a insider of former county Executive Dennis Gorski regime. I have E-mailed channel 2 many times about some over spending that happen and we are still paying for during the D.G regime....I'm still waiting for a reply or seeing a story about it.
  9. Tequilla should be sipped after allowing to sit for 5 minutes, not chugged.
  10. I remember when the Bills were going to the S.P.. I was sitting in my favorite bar near the stadium. The out of town big buck scalpers were waiting for the players to show up. (Rumor has it the owner had tickets lined up, but the out of town scalpers had more money so guess who got the tickets) If you were a local who went to all the games, supported the team, and did not have the $$$, you were s.o.o.l.. I think I remember someone saying that the Big $$ Bills players would give their tickets to taxi/practice players so they could put some extra cash in their pockets.
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