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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. I saw this one on TV. Go get some oreo's. Take out the middle white part. Replace it with toothpaste.
  2. Lucky Dog, Linda's hosting and IRV will be calling in!
  3. ...."The governer is encouraging our members to approve the plan, but ultimately, it's up to them." Right! http://nypost.com/news/regionalnews/22893.htm
  4. http://www.nydailynews.com/front/breaking_...3p-252716c.html
  5. Todays the day the MTA picks who gets the rights to the rail yard sites. Get ready NYS taxpayers, grab your ankles and take one for the $$$$ team. http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/294970p-252535c.html No conflict of interest for Bloomberg's right hand man Doctroff ??(rights to build walkway) http://nydailynews.com/front/story/294120p-251827c.html Love'em or hate'em but to my eyes the Dolan bid looks much better better to me. The Jets bid sticks wurst than a Chuck "The Coach" Dickerson stinky jockstrap. Non binding money tied into proposed zoning changes which could or not happen.
  6. http://www.wivb.com/Global/story.asp?S=3141175&nav=UABuY5F1
  7. I vote for Bob Lamb, in part, because of the work he has done with the TBD tailgate party and Buddy "The Wonder" Dog, who truely has sniffed out more "inside " info than anyone on the TBD board or any other supposed inside board. Mark VI never. I will never vote for anyone who wears a BRO.
  8. the Loins of Ham, and the 10 foot long link of smoked polish sausage from the Broadway market, and Bowl of Green Beans, and leave those butter lambs alone also along with the tins of pie, and Report to the Voluntary training camp this week!
  9. Stadium issues http://www.rockymountainnews.com/drmn/bron...3622193,00.html In part from article, New stadiums most critical in San Fran. Minn. San Diego, and N.Y.C. being the top need, then let the NFL come up with the $$ And why is Indy not on the list of stadium needs.....LA Colts??? http://www.indystar.com/articles/7/229531-6057-009.html And from this article in part Have you heard this before... A new stadium is the key to the team remaining competitive and in.....fill in you team name here.... Indianapolis.
  10. I hope Congress gets involved with an investigation concerning cheating in Nascar.
  11. As of today 3-15-05. NADA per Buddy "The Wonder" Dogs source.
  12. There goes the neighborhood! So I guess you would be looking for a house now right about 2 doors from the Ralph???
  13. I will tell Kathy of the kindness shown from the TBD family. The one who will have the hardest time will be Cody as he was their when his father went down. Mike was letting his dog out and his heart gave out. Cody called 911 but nothing could be done.
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