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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. 758 on line at 7:59 Next milestone 5,000 member who will it be???
  2. I predict the Bills will pick at 11:10 pm
  3. Come on, I just heard J.White say he figured that if the teams continue to take 13 minutes per pick ist round, 8 mins 2nd round, 4 minutes 3rd round, the draft would end at 2:04 am. Good stuff
  4. A little update. 97 Rock had the oldest living Sheldon 89 year old Mrs Phillps and her son Gary on today. They stated that there are Indians buried inside the Sheldon family cementary. Nothing was stated about bones found outside the cementary during stadium construction. If there was, the project more than likely would have been shut down for a year! Bills first chance to go to the Super Bowl Beat by the Chiefs Bills lose first game at Rich Stadium to Redskins Bills lose Super Bowl to Redskins whose QB Mark Reppien (sp) Indian Heritage
  5. found during construction???? I remember an area (which is near the maintance building below Sheldon cementary) which could have been a Indian camp. The area was mounded on one side which would have helped in protection from enemies. The farmers field across the creek every spring palnting pops up arrow heads. So one could say it is very likely that somewhere on the stadium site their was a indian burial ground!!! I never heard from any construction workers about bones found but my OLDER brother called me and said he remembers hearing about bones being found. Perhaps a "Indian Cleansing Ceremony" of the stadium would be in order. On a side note JP Losman I think is part Indian/Mexican.
  6. http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/arti...455/1006/NEWS01
  7. The problem all along was that the family would need to sell the team to pay estate taxes. Who sez? Ralph, his family, his money man Jeff Littman, Ed Kilgore? The fact is nobody knows (and if they do they are not talking) how Ralph has his $$ set up for after he moves on.
  8. What you need is AIR BAGS. I am a regional sales rep for a safety company who has developed a system that can be used on bicycles. Our main target market is motorcycles, with Harley our main focus because of the old riders. A system for rocket bikes with be coming out shortly. If anybody is interested in more info PM my with your E-Mail address, and I will get back to. This is a must have system and it does not cost that much.
  9. Is Josh working out at the Ralph now??? I could ALWAYS tell when he drove by my house on the way to practice. BOOM BOOM . Now I don't hear no boom boom. So either he is not in town, or has blown his boom boom, or perhaps he has had a change of lifestyle, er grew up?
  10. http://www.extremeskins.com/modules.php?op...haha&file=index WARNING Please do not eat or drink while watching video!!!
  11. I'll take a home Saturday night game any day over a Monday night game.
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