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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. So much for Bills stadium signage. Maybe she was using ketchup as sunscreen!
  2. I meant to say the Bills sold beer at opener, Jets, till the end of the 3rd qtr. That is the new cut off time.
  3. They did cut off beer sales at half time this game. Jets serving beer till end of 3rd qtr.
  4. Going on their Facebook page, ripoff, disorganized, ran out of supplies by 9:30, no gift bags as promised, JK autograph footballs to be thrown in to crowd did not happen? Bruce Smith showing up at the end. No word on how much money each charity got. It's kind of shocking as Wings does a lot of events and one of the sponsors is in the catering business along with the guy who ran this event. I got a text from a guy who is good friends of the guy who ran it. I guess he is not sugar coating it, Terrible
  5. Still the case,
  6. What no fires on a 90 degree day?? No water so why not drink ketchup..,,
  7. I guess nobody went. I don't see any tweeter postings.
  8. Your loss. By the way Lee Evans was in the Lot. I have some game day mags and Lee signed them. After the game I was passing them out to parkers. One little boy was so happy I asked his parents if they would like to meet Lee. Yes. The boy had a look of awe and excitement as his picture was taken with Lee. Lee has always been a class act, never turning down a request for a autograph or picture.
  9. I hope all had a good time tailgating. Surprisingly we only had one person get his ass kicked by the heat. Iced him down and all was good within a half hour.
  10. I have not seen a Yugo in a long time.
  11. . Chuck still lives in the Orchard Park area. I run into him every once and a while,
  12. I hope me and my staff did a good job in making your day memorable. I Screwed up by not ordering the community grill but hopefully the two replacement grills worked out. As always the food was awesome, raccoon a little fatty but still good. I thought there was plenty of room in the circle the wagon parking set up. Once again TBD members 👍❤🔥🔨
  13. All PRIME and General parking requests will be honored.
  14. Community' grill will be provided also a couple of tables and some chairs.
  15. Knowing Kenny Good Luck I don't see that happening
  16. Sorry I have my limit of RV's.
  17. Stay on topic Parking Thread Stay on topic Oarking Thresd Stay on topic Parking thread
  18. I think there is more to this story...... just saying
  19. As always parking choices are "Prime" (limited party area parking) or "General". If you would like "Prime" or "General" spot(s), please post 1Prime or 1General. Parking starts at 6:30am sharp. "Prime spots held till 7:30 am, General till 8:30 am. Please post est. arrival time. MoSt ImPoRtAnTlY Please have & SHOW when you ARRIVE a LARGE easy to read sign with TBD & your parking choice (P or G) on it. Please tell use your name so we can cross it off the Guest List. List closes 9-8-17 9pm sharp Hammer Time.
  20. I heard the upper level (300's) will not be used.
  21. It's over and I saw Jay Rosen.
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