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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. They are that way for the 1:00 games, Passed out for the 4:15 game!!
  2. OBD is not clamping down. The 4 hour opening of the parking lot rule is standard. With the chance of rain combined with the wind I think people will not come to the stadium early. The main problem around the stadium is when people come a hour or two early and use the roads, Abbott, 20, 20A, as a staging parking lot.
  3. Bussendorfer is located between Armor Duells and Abbott Road. This is the only road block that I know of.
  4. I would guess, like Alan P.'s article suggests, all the gr guys are told what to say by pr andy (who by the way loves the wall) or by gm greg reid. Perhaps mike and the other gr guys, who have said on air how they hate their jobs, are pissed that gr/entercom should have ponied up the money (2.5 million ?) for the rights for the Bills, therefore giving them access to Bills players etc. It has not helped gr by pissing on/off the Hammer. Karma baby, Karma!!
  5. Greg Bauch was very good. The new guy the pd brought in sucks. I have also noticed that an intern must be at the controls. Dead air time or 2 voices on air seem to be common place lately. Very proffesional! I believe I have heard more than one sports talk guy on air say how they dislike their job. Problems brewing at gr?????
  6. Remember stadium lots do not open until 4 hours befor kickoff ( 12:15 this week) I plan on opening up at 8am as usual.
  7. Game day $4.00 a beer !!!!! I wonder why nobody was in there last night except for Aussie, Pinto Boy and a gr anul pore. The RV lot Saturday night parties have also become pretty lame. Only 3 groups out last night partying. It ain't like it use to be.
  8. the same as the last game. Due to Erie County $$ cuts there are less police for traffic control. From what I heard the Milestrip exit off of the 219 was very bad. Southwestern Blvd was also bad due to lack of police at Abbott and Southwestern. I would suggest listening to the traffic reports on 97 rock or try a southern approach to the Ralph.
  9. I thought I heard John Madden last night say Jerry Jones is GOOD for the NFL. So with that in mind I would have to say Snyder.
  10. Pre game heard at my house, Go get me a beer. Post game heard at my house, Go get me a beer and a shot of Don Julio.
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