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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. The printing is so small on my ticket you would need a microscope to be able to read it.
  2. Why would you want to park down a sidestreet off Abbott Road when you could have parked in a lot on Abbott Road? Parking in the stadium lot, hard surface parking (hope they have picked up the nails from years of pallet fires) lack of security (remember last year when they caught the guy who all year long was breaking in to the cars in the stadium lots the last game) Fast exit if you know where to park. Parking in some private lots, Security and some even provide restrooms at a better rate than 1 restroom per 248 cars. Fast exit if you know where to park. Early exits, regionalism, and for the locals due to the lack of daily traffic jams they cannot handle traffic jams.
  3. The game day gate staff told me that (NFL Rule). I called the Bills and was told that there is no cut off time for entry to the stadium. I am wondering if having Bill and Hill at the game sort of screwed up the security staff. I wonder why the staff did not want to write down my name and phone number until I begged them many times to.
  4. Sunday, we had a lady come up to us and said she found $$$ in one of our restrooms. She gave us a cell number if anyone came up to us and asked if anyone found some $$$. No one ever did ask about the $$$$ but it did sure feel nice that she wanted to do the right thing.
  5. Good one. I did take off my sunglasses so they could see my eyes.
  6. Sober and with Valid ticket in hand, I was denied enter Sunday. The gate staff gave me a run around sending me from gate3 to gate5 to gate 8 back to gate 5 over to customer service booth (nobody there) back over to gate 5. Finally after I had enough, I had to BEG for 3-5 minutes with one of the gate security personal to write down my name and 2 contact phone numbers to have proof that I was there. I will wait till Thursday of this week to see if the Bills contact me. I broke no stadium rules, and after calling the Bills this morning I found that I was lied to as I was told by gate staff (and yes I have staff shirt numbers ) that" By NFL RULES no one may enter the stadium after the end of the third quarter" By looking at the Bills 2006 Stadium guide last page Expectations, the Bills failed at Friendly, Courteous, KNOWLEDGEABLE, and Effecient game day staff. Lets see if they will provide EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SATISFACTION or will I get stiffed $$$$$
  7. Last election She promised 200,000 jobs for the village known as Upstate N.Y.. A women of her word?
  8. Your lucky. I can hear them on the radio!
  9. How many times is she going to use the BCEB for a photo op??? How about talking about those 200,000 JOBS you promised Hillary.
  10. I do not like being lied to obviously and poorly. That like spitting and laughing in ones face.
  11. Usually the wall of fame party is held saturday night in the JK Club at the Ralph. AR has been known to stop by the Big Tree Inn when in town. You figure out the timing.
  12. Smerlas!! C'mon people that's the best we can do. Somebody mention to me they think it will be Ted, I did not polish that off that bottle, Kennedy. There was also mention of a bridge but that was in poor taste.
  13. get her ankles tape while Billy boy helps out with the cheerleaders. OJ (I did not kill) at the Jets game, Hill and Bill (I did not have sex with that women) Vikings game, who ( I did not???) will be at Pats game?
  14. Yes you should have. Even thou we are on the property we cannot watch everything. I did give you money to help cover the cost of replacement of your cooler because it did happen on my lot but next time....
  15. I had something set up but with the wind it made it a little hard. Perhaps next time. It was too windy to set up the Stadium Wall. As for the torch burning, I have a hard time doing it to the NY Jets (9-11). But GHost's outfit would have been nice to burn. We could have started with his blue shoes!
  16. near the motels on Southwestern? He was try to get his car out, spinning his wheels going nowhere. Three cop cars arrive and the guy starts fighting with the cops. I wonder how the flesh wound on his face felt as he was peppered sprayed!! I wonder if his bench/bed in jail was heated as when he woke up the next day he only had sock on! I guess the police took his clothes as they were load with pepper spray.
  17. Who the phuck is Sully. News flash Hammer's Lot also has a grass field! Screw ribbon boards, I want watch the game on hand and could careless about seeing more advertising. Screw downtown News flash the area around the Ralph has been rated as the 2nd safest in the NFL. Blue Zone, the Bills already have one of those. Look for the HUGE Labbat signs scoreboard end, upper outside wall.
  18. I sit in sec 311, 50 yardline visitors side. TV work great, Numbers are painted on the row, restrooms no problem I always bring a small radio and I go to the hidden bathroom which is nice.
  19. OK, your name is on the TBD Tailgate Parking List.
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