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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. Free, after you agreed to buy my tickets. Take note for those who ticket deal with this poster in the fuure.
  2. GR (entercom) still has a chip on it's shoulder ever since they lost the Bills radio coverage. Besides the Joe D and the Lee Evans shows, the only radio voice I listen on gr is
  3. We had no wind in our sec 311. After the game, I asked Lee Evans and Robert Royal who was still pumped up after he gave the jags player the "treatment" to cause a fumble, about the wind. They both said it was a factor during the game.
  4. http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/arti...11120416&theme= Fans standing all game. Oh My!
  5. I think 2 years ago the Bills and the nfl donated $$$ to fix up football fields in the inner city (Buffalo).
  6. Clearly your "Blue Coatism" is taking over even thinking that this could happen in a "Private Lot". Lack of Police, why would a property owner allow a beat down and open themselves to a lawsuit? Private Lots are safer than the stadium lot based on what I see and read in the local rag. From the rag, An unnamed 30-year old man from Woburn, Mass. was reportedly assulted by a number of fans as he left a portable bathroom at the Stadium. He was treated at Mercy Ambulatory Care Center. And while park at the Stadium: Ed Larivette reported damage to his car, Kelly Omelia of Troy repoted theft of purse and papers from her car, Nicholas Joseph reported the theft of $2,400 of items including Ipod, Blackberry, CD's, cell phone charger. Private Lots... nothing. Other low lights from the Ralph 5 "men" were arrested for public lewdness. Ages range from 23 to 45
  7. I think the other 31 teams should kick in $32 million each for upgrades at the Ralph!
  8. I am totally disgusted. He should have parked at Hammer's Lot. When will they learn....
  9. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football...3p-392273c.html Also on Monster the Buffalo Bills are looking for a Database Analyst.
  10. Put a DOME on The Rich er The Ralph. Best surrounding road system of any NFL stadium. 2nd safest area around a NFL stadium in the whole league ( why do you think they put in the burbs) Best tailgating lots in the NFL. Move the stadium downtown and there goes your quick traffic flow, safety, and tailgating.
  11. $500,000? Being on the Stones mailing list I could have tried to get tickets for $50.00 $25 for partially block view!
  12. http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/06302/733914-66.stm
  13. Just as Jim Rome sez I'm not saying but I'm saying TKO is DONE.
  14. I thought the change was the week of the TBD Tailgate (Fall back Spring ahead.)
  15. Joe D is on pregame and has his own show Mondays 4-5 pm Joe also said he thinks the Bills should only draft players who are from Ohio, Penns. and who play in could weather. Local because like Kelly, Reed, Conlon, and now Evans, they have to answer to their families who are in the stands and met after the game. Cold weather players, he does not like So Cal or Fla players, enough said.
  16. Was it because he (JK)did not know how to act in public or was it because he split the team Bickering Bills (House Ballard Incident) and he had to find some way to get the team back behind him (hhhmm free beer and food).
  17. in a bet heard on WGR55 yesterday. Audio Vault on Monday 23-06 around the 8 minute mark. http://www.wgr550.com/ondemand.php
  18. They import the dancers from Cheek-ta-Vegas!
  19. I actually was not denied admission this week. WTF!
  20. Where's Hillary??? To bad Higgins and Brown melted down under pressure.
  21. OK The Bills Customer Service Dept. ending up offering me entry into one of the club sections and free food. My seat was not a club ticket so they offered me more than the price of my ticket. Because of the way I was raised, and KARMA, I could not take the club offer and settled for the value of my ticket. Did I do the right thing???
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