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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. That lot. Channel 4 stated that a limo driver might have released the ballons.
  2. might have come from the limo lot. Makes sense.
  3. The stadium is the area serviced by NYSEG. When my wife called NYSEG they said the power would be back on around 4pm. To bad the Bills did not go over to the Native Pride tailgate party (Drive 2) and tow the HUGE generater that they use, over to the CBS trailers.
  4. There were alot of "out of town scalpers" at the Ralph yesterday. Scalpers from Detriot, Pittsburgh, New York City were working the big game of the week. I heard guys wanting up to $150 per ticket and getting it for regular seats. The Bills are a hot ticket and I think the Jets vs Bills tickets are going to be very hard to find and very costly game day.
  5. Nice friendly tailgating. No problems in the parking lots. Heard a few Bills suck comments in the stadium. There are hotels right across the street, so you can walk over to the stadium.
  6. WTF the HAMMER'S house lost power also. Missed most of the game. That sucked.
  7. I'll be there. Leaving by noon today for the long ride to Orchard Park.
  8. California lot? Is that the lot whose owner is in trouble with the town of Orchard Park?
  9. I don't get it and I'm pretty good with jokes. Can you explain the punch line?
  10. Heard the show while I was splitting wood. Fresh, Interesting, and did you get any hair care tips!!
  11. Boxes I have are Red, Blue And Super Chargered Yellow (Thank You Big Bob Lamb)
  12. I have an unopen box of Flutie Flakes. Are coming to the next home game? I got breakfast!
  13. I had some of the first turf from the Rich. Traded it for cash and some pizzas from Salfrancos.
  14. I agree. I got a game related concussion last year and I can still determine which sock goes on which foot. Trent will be all right I thunk.
  15. That's Buddy the "Wonder" dog. Buddy used to get true"inside" Bills info from various sources as we did our daily walk around the Ralph. Buddy is still with us, but has lost his "nose" for hounding inside info.
  16. How is the tray turf holding up? Any Arizon "ens" ?
  17. once again a Lee Evans signed ARMED AND HAMMERED shirt. Prize rules: The turf must be picked up at Hammer's lot, or You pay for shipping, or you can give the turf to someone else who can pick up the turf game day. The turf can be signed or unsigned by Buddy the "Wonder" Dog. This turf is some of the same turf which is installed at Ralph Wilson Stadium now. Shirt sent vs U.S.P.S CONTEST TOTAL OFFENSIVE (Receiving and Rushing) YARDS BY THE BILLS vs THE CARDS 10/5/08 No punt or kickoff return yardage. Same rules as last contest. One guess per TBD poster who must be in good standings. A number can only be guessed once. Closest number wins (higher or lower) In case of a tie between higher/lower number, lower number wins, example total yards 400 you guess 401, I guess 399, I WIN. Stats used per Monday's Buffalo News stat page. The Hammer's word is final. CONTEST CLOSES (10/5/08) SUNDAY at HIGH NOON Orchard Park Time. Good Luck
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