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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. I guess now I have to go back to the wrist bands for paying parkers. All walk ins $5 No Exceptions
  2. He did a story years ago featuring Bills tailgaters.
  3. I left after the 2nd period, work, a bus just pass Hammers Lot on Abbott Rd was letting off passengers. They were running to the stadium. At least they saw the shoot out! Kenny is in FLA. It would be hard to cook on the hood of a large Kubota tractor. Plow truck could not go through the frozen ice banks. Did not see any fights but good back and forth ribbing in the lot before the game.
  4. Heated clothing. Keep the Core warm. I was sweating at 5 degrees Thursday while snow blowing!!!!
  5. Wimp. I was sweating me arse off today using my snowblower. I love it when it's COLD and dry not cool and humid. Crunch Crunch the snow talks!
  6. The Sabre board won't let me register so as usual we will be holding space at Hammers Lot (4170 Abbott Rd Use 219 to 20a west, right on Abbott) for TBD posters in front of the white building. Parking starts at 11am. Cost us $20 US. Have a TBD sign on you dashboard. Thank You
  7. Ron er Kenny does not post on the Stadium Wall
  8. With all the cell phones out in the lots I'm surprised that no videos of this incident have been posted. Please stay on topic, Thank You
  9. Do you know why the police were there or can you find out?
  10. What does this have to do with bottles and cans thrown at police???
  11. OK See you Sunday 12-21-17
  12. I heard something sad going around town so I reached out to my contacts. The Bus Lot at New Era Field got very ugly Phins vs Bills game. We saw a couple of police cars headed into the back entrance of the Bus lot & now know why. They were extra help. While I don't know if it was parkers fighting each other or the police removing the bus were a guy jumped off of, but the crowd turned. Full cans and bottles were thrown at the police. It was described as something you would see at a soccer match across the pond. The police were going to go the next step but used restraint (use your imagination). Wondering if any TBD posters were there? On a positive note talked with Brian Moorman that day. He is staying active with his foundation. Have a Good Day.
  13. That's why they should have a paddy wagon or two parked at the entrance of the RV and Bus Lot.
  14. It's not to hard to find stupid in that lot which is known as the do anything lot. In the videos look at the tree branches. Give away where stupid happens. They let their property get out of control. That lot is an embarrassment to all property owners. Also not cleaning the lot 2-3 days after an event. The guy who jumped off the RV at (12:05) tied up the Windom Fire Dept. Rescue squad with a preventable injury. I guess the video I was looking for was on Snapchat so it's gone.
  15. I'm trying. When I posted my rules on Facebook I got lambasted. If you don't like em park somewhere else. It's easy. A lot of youngins don't get it. I showed a picture of my Dad, halo on his head, breathing with the help of a respirator to a bunch of tailgater. I said one of these days this could be the end result of a table slammer. I was asked if my 83 year old Dad got hurt TS! Get the #%£€ off my property. We are doomed.
  16. At Foxboro the police put people in protective custody if it looks like they could be in potential danger of harming oneself. Why they don't do that in Orchard Park I have no clue. I'm no lawyer.
  17. Nope but it certainly could be the guy. He supposedly warned about the way he looked and then showed his stitches.
  18. I heard on some platform there is a post of a guy with his head stapled together, the after effect of a table slam gone wrong and him begging for TS to be stopped. I can't find it anywhere. Anyone. Help.
  19. Closed at 11 cars Thank You to those who stayed on topic. To the others ???
  20. Password is TONIGHT Presale starts at 10 am 12-14-17 Ends 10pm 12-14-17 Got another password TICKETS
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