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Hammered a Lot

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Everything posted by Hammered a Lot

  1. Pre sale for American Express card holders 2-12-2020 at 10am till 2-13-2020 10 pm.
  2. Sorry for your Families Loss of Your Mom.
  3. I like Strange!! 7am Thursday is supposedly the time for confirmation of all venue/dates.
  4. Looks like Detroit right after Orchard Park Louisville KY then Cleveland, Pittsburgh
  5. Looks like Cleveland June 19 and Pittsburgh June 23. Official Announcement Thursday Morning
  6. That one I started in November of last year. Rolling Stones last Friday. Time Flies.
  7. ? for NEF Major Concert Announcement thread (NEF = New Era Field)
  8. WOW June 6 2020. Old news. Started a thread days ago.
  9. Don't know about the Gronk thing but I would guess that was a one time event.
  10. Sorry There might be one more event, not a concert held at NEF this off season. If it happens I'd think it will be when the kids are out of school. Not holding my breath.
  11. I heard about this a month ago and started asking around. Bills employees were useless. Tight Lipped. I never post something with out having 3 independent sources. It's happening. Jim Fink is right June 6 2020. I've been working on something special in Hammers Lot the day of the show. ??????
  12. You got it. Free parking for your car if your going. What how did I miss this awhile ago
  13. Not the Boss but My wife & I saw Litte Steven & The Disciples of Soul this year and Steve said there a Boss tour Coming up I wished but No
  14. Always wanted to see a hologram show but no No but that would be a good show
  15. No Already announced. So no Nope That's call Razz berries
  16. Did that one already
  17. It's been rumored to be announced next week.If true. I'll stick my ? out at all who doubt me through the years.
  18. Well not that exact version. I see now they are using panels for below grade walls on house now. Also recently talked with a guy who worked for a company (Delmonte) who came up with a technique to build hotels by forming whole rooms with concrete in a factory, take to building site and stacked them on top of each other.
  19. I believe they could renovate in phases. Heck look at China building a hospital in 6 days!!! Bills Side of stadium. Remove the upper deck and cantilevers. Start rebuilding cantilers on one side (Abbott rd side) Remove one of the ramps (creek side) which were made of the bed rock from the lower bowl.Use Pegulas fracking knowledge to break up bed rock to expand lower bowl concourse and build up from there expanding clubs and uppper deck concourses. They could use prefab panels to speed up construction. They can see how long phase one (creek side) takes to determine if (Abbott rd side) could be done in the same construction season. Just a thought.
  20. Keep me, Hammer, out of the negotiations. I will be in a alcohol induce fog till August! I will say I believe NEF will be renovated based on info I have recently received. Being in the business world I know Nothing is set in stone ( till the ink drys on the contract) till there is an announcement.
  21. Did you get pieces of turf? I was glad to give it away to the Tailgaters in the Lot. People (with out the special Red P card) were offering me $$$ which I refused because it was free & I gave them some. I know doing this wrecks my image. Oh well!
  22. You see plenty of security outside NEF now compared to the Big Game which is a higher profile event, you can understand the no tailgating policy. Owning a parking lot near NEF is more than parking cars now considering the conversations I and others have had with law enforcement. One topic discussed (that I'll share) was Drones near stadiums game day. One has flown dangerously close to the Sherriff helicopter. Imagine what could have happened if there was contact. So if you see one in a vehicle in any parking lot, public or private even if it's not flying say something to law enforcement. No one will get arrest if it's in the vehicle. They will just remind that person of the no fly rules.
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