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Everything posted by FanfromAlbany

  1. ...but someone should tell Mike Tureco that only the booth can challenge a call during the final two minutes of each half.
  2. ...but if the asteroid was made of kryptonite
  3. That was always my favorite TD nickname.
  4. "Save your postage", remember? TD will have none of that from us jerky jerks.
  5. In Willis' defense, it hard to score touchdowns when you don't play in the 3rd down or goal-line packages. It seems Shaud Williams is on the field down around the goal-line, not Willis.
  6. The same could be said for Drew or Jim Kelly or O.J. or Jack Kemp. If you want to live in the past fine... but there are so many others in the history of this team that meant more than the Magic Mulletted Midget. Why not choose Jim Kelly? I would.
  7. No matter how many times you beat that horse mister, it aint gettin' up. You might want to move on.
  8. Mine too. Can't they make mouthwash for cats or something?
  9. Plain potato chips are great with beer. Favored chips can make a beer taste funny. I like the kettle-cooked chips best.
  10. Also a scathing blurb on Nate and the Bills secondary further down.
  11. That guy'd better be careful: Andrew McCarthy is goin' to be p1ssed.
  12. Good find DCgirl. I didn't realize that the Dolphins had it so easy that year.
  13. But then they wont need those new Batman Utility Belts they got in August. What will MM and TC call on 4th and 1?
  14. I miss the old days when WNYT (NBC) had the AFC and you call in and vote for which game you wanted to see. Many Bills fans voted and we were on most Sundays. I wish WRGB would do that but I doubt they will.
  15. Wow. Looks like she opted for the cannonball inserts instead of saline.
  16. I agree with you Simon. Angela is a butterface... but I'm sure Renee (or Kristen) wasn't looking at her face.
  17. I think that Derrick Thomas is also eligible this year. I think he and Reggie White are locks. Also... do you mean Barry Sanders? I didn't think Deion eligible since he was playing last year. I'm hoping Thurman gets in 1st ballot... my first trip to Canton will be for his enshrinment.
  18. Just speculation based on the previews for next week: If the members of Danielle's party became violent as part of the early stages of the illness, she may have needed to kill them to protect herself, her child or other not-yet-infected members. Besides, we don't know that she killed them all. She could have killed some, while others succumed to the illness. Its also possible that if the illness is a biological weapon of some type, it might have been engineered to increase peoples' natural aggression levels, so the enemy would fight among themselves. We would kill someone who is sick in self-defense. The reason I think this could be the case is my assuption that the black man in the previews is Rose's husband. Based on Rose's conversation with Jack, you get the impression that her husband is a good, even gentle, man. Why would he become aggressive towards Michael, Sawyer and Jin with no cause or imprison the girl that Jack met at the airport bar? Again this theory has huge chunks of speculation in it. But that's the great part of this show... coming up with possible theories. Duey... I'm not sure how the Black Rock would fit into this theory. Maybe it was salvaged by the Others or maybe it just shipwrecked there during a tide wave and isn't related to the hatch. I don't know.
  19. I thought that some of the "other" 815 survivors might have contracted the illness that Desmond is so afraid of. Remember that Danielle warned Sayid to watch his fellow survivors and illuded to some type of madness that took over the members of her party when they contracted the illness before they died. Its possible that the Others have some type of immunity or can produce a vaccine from non-infected people. Maybe that's why they want Walt. I'm starting to think now that the island might be a testing ground for a biological weapon, developed by the Dharma corporation for possible military use. The security system (including a shark) is intended to prevent the infected inhabitant's from leaving or finding the control center. Desmond could be an employee sent to make sure that the island's secret is not compromised and that no one escapes. The doomsday clock would fit with this idea (if the center was captured by the infected inhabitants then it would blow up to prevent them from leaving the island) but 108 minutes is a very short amount of time for something so important. Another great episode.
  20. The first game I got to see live at Rich Stadium. The Burris punt return really got my heart started (even though it got called back). I screamed so much during that last drive (going towards the endzone I was sitting in) I couldn't talk the next day. What a blast! I was so impressed by how friendly everyone was. The guy next to me bought me a cup of coffee and gave me about 1/2 a bag of peanuts and he treated me like he'd known me forever. A big difference from the crowd at Foxboro where I saw my first game. The Patsie creeps would just as soon spit at you as look at you.
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