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Everything posted by agilen

  1. I'll be there - section 29 row 43. Will be up bright and early to tailgate as well
  2. I'm going with a buddy who is a 49ers fan - sitting in lower stands section 29. We'd be up for joining a tailgate, are people caravaning in from somewhere?
  3. It _is_ his fault. Had he not greedily held out last year, people would be more forgiving. People don't hate McKelvin as much, although he hasn't proved his worth at a similar draft position. Maybin has to be twice as productive to dig out of the hole he is in.
  4. Who will throw to TO on the Jets? This guy? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPwFOqKowtQ
  5. I'd have to say Flutie was one of the best backups....whenever he came off the bench, he performed. When he was a starter, teams could game plan to keep him in the pocket, and he just wasn't that effective.
  6. Yeah, Pommer's goal was great, but May Day was easily the greatest Sabres OT goal. We hadn't won a playoff series in what, 10 years? And stone-hands Brad May absolutely undressed Ray Borque.
  7. IMHO the two personal foul calls were both B.S. to get the refs on TV...its the super bowl for god sake's, people are going to finish the play. I think the Saints' didn't make that 2pc and overturning the call on the field was really shady, but it didn't matter in the end.
  8. Hard to believe that ESPN acknowledged hockey's existence at one time (and that the Sabres were actually black and red for a while)
  9. His middle name is Englebert? I'm not nearly as scared of him now.
  10. The Bills are worth on the order of $1bln. If you kick in $1k, you only have to find 999,999 friends to buy the team The number of Bills fans who could part with $1k isn't anywhere near a million. So, there would need to be a lot of people who look at it as a purely financial investment, and they would expect to maximize their return. If you think Ralph is stingy, imagine what a board of directors would say to hiring a coach for $10 million a year.
  11. $17 million in Denver? Holy crap, thats crazy.....he could buy RWS for that.
  12. Holy cow, that thread exploded quickly. I'll stay out of the argument, but just want to know, didn't Gill get an NFL interview a year or two ago?
  13. The Bills are profitable because Ralph has no debt to service on the team. Its not likely a new owner is going to write a check for $1 billion, so he'll have to sink several million a year in interest. Still might be profitable, but not 12th in the league.
  14. The issue with Myers is that he would have to go back to juniors, he can't go to the AHL. So he wouldn't be playing against as good of competition, and we couldn't call him up when needed (without triggering the start of his contract and FA years). So, he'll have to be a Sabre all year or we won't see him until the 10/11 season. I'd normally agree with you, it would be fine, but this guy is too good to play junior hockey anymore.
  15. Are you guys all neurologists? Did you examine Edwards? Did you stay at a holiday inn last night? How can you possibly think after reading some article and hearing on TV that a guy got a concussion that you know he should retire? We can say "I'd have gone for it on that 4th and 2" cause we are all familiar with football. But nobody on this board (even if you are an MD) knows this situation, so none of you should have an opinion on it.
  16. Um, our starting QB left the game with a concusstion. Its the OL's job to prevent things like that... We were pretty bad running the ball as well. I don't think they were that great.
  17. Fitz wasn't good, but he at least didn't play scared. That throw to Evans that they reversed (I still don't understand how they reversed that) was an audible by Fitzpatrick...the dude at least wants to win.
  18. Gotta be a catch. The NFL needs great plays at big moments....bush league if they overturn.
  19. Did they just forget to stop the clock? TO went out of bounds on that last play, how is it the 2 minute warning?
  20. Uh oh, the Jets hopes are rolling around on the field. Will they be any good without Jenkins?
  21. Against who though? ND's biggest yearly opponents are USC and Michigan...and Clausen lost both games. Do you want a QB on the Bills that beats the cupcakes every year, but loses to Miami and NE? Cause we already have one of those....(minus the cupcakes this year)
  22. I only caught the tail end of ND's last drive in that game, so take it for what its worth.....but a real winner of a QB would have won that game, Clausen crumbled in the end even when he had multiple shots. I want a guy who wins games like that.
  23. There were a couple of Bengals fans at our local BBB bar on sunday....they offered a sign-up sheet for any Bills fans who wanted to become Bengals fans for the season. At least every Bengal game is exciting (and they win)... Personally, I can't get into another team. In a given game I can pick someone I want to win, but I can't buy a jersey and be a fan of a second team. Plus, its Sabres season!
  24. Does this mean Maybin can sign now? I'd love to see that guy out on the field for us.
  25. I'd second the Senator, barton hill is way nicer than anything in the falls, and Lewiston is a better place to spend your anniversary. Go see the falls during the day, walk around goat island, then go back to lewiston and go to dinner at Carmelo's.
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