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Everything posted by Koobie

  1. I miss Ross Tucker, but he couldn't keep his yap shut, so he had to be cut!
  2. He has been having bad games since he got to Buffalo, Josh Reed is garbage!
  3. It is true Peters played a pretty poor game, but it is a sad commentary when you have to have an undrafted tight end playing right tackle in place of a piece of crap that was drafted 4th overall in the NFL entry draft, 4th overall!
  4. It doesn't matter what the fans think about the players that are drafted/brought in via free agency. Tom Donahoe has to see the talent and work ethic in the players he brings in. It's his job to bring in capable players, not players that the fans like or dislike. Mike Williams is a bust, thats TD's fault. Josh Reed is WR with stonehands, TD's fault. Milloy is older and slower, TD has to know that when he signs him. It's not the fan's job to evaluate the talent before it is brought in, it's TD's. But it is the fan's job to voice displeasre when the talent that is brought in just plain sucks. What makes everything much worse is the way this team just gives up! It is terrible, Gregg Williams was fired because of lack of mental toughness in his teams, it hasn't gotten any better, maybe it's not the coaches, maybe it goes all the way to the person who evaluates and picks the players. TD has to go, he is the reason this organization is a friggin' mess!
  5. I mean I know last year, but this year.
  6. Yeah, and then the Chargers will have to get rid of Philip Rivers and TD will be there to take him!! TD is so smart!!!!
  7. When exactly did this defense play at an all-pro level?
  8. I hope to God Ralph is embarassed by this crap so somthing gets done
  9. I'm WIDE awake!!
  10. 70-10 would be nice, maybe it will piss Ralph Wilson off enough to see through TD's smoke screen and finally fire him!
  11. Let it be slow and painful so Ralph Wilson can see what a mess this team is
  12. They should just cut ole stonehands and leave him on the left coast
  13. Yeah, Adam West is a great Mayor of Quahog, R.I.
  14. It's a Travelodge, it happened about 2-3 years ago. http://www.travelodge.com/Travelodge/contr...&p_city=Amherst
  15. Oh yeah, Bills Rule!! They could win their next 8 and go all the way to the S-U-P-E-R B-O-W-L!!!! Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. What is wrong with you people? He does point out a lot of truths about this Buffalo Bills organization. Why must anyone who says one bad thing about this organization be branded an a-hole? It's not just Sully, it's anyone that speaks negative of the Bills on this board. So I know i'm an a-hole but: This team sucks, from the top down. The President/GM is an arrogant joke. This coaching staff sucks. It's pitiful, the Bills are spinning their wheels, this team is not going anywhere until things change, namely getting rid of Donahoe (it did wonders in Pittsburgh)
  17. I happen to know that Tedy Brewski actually tells Karl Rove what to do and say.
  18. Lucky for the Seahawks he turned it down
  19. He is a spectacular second round pick!!!!! How dare you bash him, and don't even think about talking bad about Ryan Denney!!!!
  20. Good!! It is about time someone stepped up and said the the offensive line sucks a**! He will probably be disciplined, because no one but MM/TD are allowed to publicly call out a player.
  21. I see he spared no expense in hiring his last few head coaches!
  22. The only way Ralphie will get rid of his boy TD, is when TD's terrible performance as GM starts effecting Ralph's wallet. When the fans stop buying into all the crap we are being sold, and stop filling the seats at Ralph Wilson Stadium, TD will be gone. It's all about Ralph's money.............
  23. I doubt TD can replace any starters via the draft. Other than McGahee he hasn't drafted all that well.
  24. It's about time to start pointing the finger at St. Donahoe for this mess of a football team!!!!!
  25. They are definitely not as good as THEY think they are!!!!!! P.S. Nice O line.
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