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Everything posted by Agua

  1. Ralph will watch tape prior to giving his stamp of approval.
  2. I want to see another Roscoe option pass.
  3. Try the Parish option pass again!
  4. Will the Bills fold?
  5. Damned. Your O ain't doing bad with Losman out.
  6. I'll buck the crowd and agree: GO 'PHINS!!!
  7. Sorry bud, but Sage is where he is for a reason. He's been the last QB through the evaluation of Turner in Washington, Spurrier, Wanny, and now Saban.
  8. The revered QB wonder that is Sage Rosenfels would have willed a win, regardless.
  9. Well, good luck with that, for the obvious reason (not like there's a chance in hell NE will melt down over the next 4 games). But in any event, like I said, we had good coverage on both those Evans TDs and Losman just burned the ball into him. He's smart, mobile, and has a good arm. I wish our QB situation looked as good going forward as yours does. Of course, y'all have had to endure the pain of his development and that's something I don't look forward to having to go through.
  10. Thanks for the win yesterday! But you guys have got to be pleased with the development of Losman. The guy is obviously developing. Those first two Evans passes were absolutely perfect - so much so, that I couldn't even get p.o.'d at the coverage. Losman's going to be a good QB for you guys and if you ever get anything around him, we'll be dreading meeting him for the next decade, probably.
  11. Thanks JSP. I was prepared to come over here and give you guys props too for 3/4 of the game.
  12. How much snow has piled up beside the streets up there so far? ===========================)***
  13. Yeah, we hate your crap, but I'd rather see you guys take the dvision than the perfect bunch.
  14. Someone mentioned this on a Phins board last week when talking about the Buff loss (I think it was the Phins' board). But I can't remember a SINGLE instance of New England getting a bad call when the game was close in th 4th. On the other hand, they seem to be the beneficiary of tons of close, game-changing calls in the 4th. Anyone able to remember one in the last, say, 5 years?
  15. Well, I understand the vomit-in-throat aspect of it because I experienced it yelling for you guys Sunday night 2 weeks ago, but I'd rather see YOU guys win it than our cissy friends from Boston.
  16. Hey guys, we'll try our best to bring the Pats back down in the muck with the rest of us. Wish us luck.
  17. Given that none in the AFCE appear to be capable of standing up and taking the division, give the rest of us the satisfaction of seeing NE humiliated. Hehehhh. Pretty sad when that's the only crumb of satisfaction you can get out of the season, huh?
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