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Everything posted by Agua

  1. Good pick for you guys. I hope he's JP Losman, but my greatest fear is he's Rothlesberger. Probably just paranoid though.
  2. Well, I'll say this as a 45 year, long-suffering Dolphins fan; I have less confidence that Miami can beat Buff, regardless of where the game is played, than I do the Cheats. For two + decades, I always anticipate that our matchups will result in both our teams beating each other up.
  3. Calling this one for Buff, and I've been pretty good at over the years. Pats aren't all that this year.
  4. Any player who starts for 17 seasons is HoF material. That said, usually around that time is when they start a steep decline, e.g., Unitas, Marino, Manning, Favre.
  5. It looks like you guys have a pretty complete team built to WIN NOW with the exception of QB. What would you be willing to trade draft pick wise for Tannehill.
  6. Damned Refs are sticking it to Buff.
  7. Yall have to get pressure up the middle to rattle Brady.
  8. Touched off with a spritz of endust.
  9. Buff 26 Cheats 9 Brady out after 2nd Q and remainder of the season
  10. Clay's a good player for you guys. Hated to lose him, but we had something else to blow our money on. Edited to add - oh yeah, he was limited last year due to that knee. Seems like he missed a couple games. I never thought having it drained, in itself, was harmful, but yeah, that makes sense.
  11. No, if you beat them it will be overcoming whatever nefarious BS they're pulling. They don't play "fair & square".
  12. Thread Winner!
  13. No, I've never hoped for an injury either. Honest truth. But those cheating sobs have some karma coming their way. Pats**** looked VERY beatable the other might. Should be a beatdown at Buff.
  14. Impressive beatdown yesterday. Tyrod ran that O pretty efficiently and I KNEW your D was going to be badass. Hope Fins can get it together in a couple of weeks, but they didn't look too hot yesterday. While you're at it, break Brady's fking legs next week.
  15. Shouldn't have been cheating all these years and that sort of ill will wouldn't be directed at them.
  16. Tweet Goodell - ask him when the cheating is going to be halted: https://twitter.com/nflcommish
  17. And destroy the evidence
  18. This league is a joke. Nothing will be done and the Pats** just keep on cheating.
  19. They've had another offseason to review their cheating scheme with improvements to be implemented.
  20. What I want to know is WHAT will the NFL DO to STOP THEM FROM CONTINUING TO CHEAT?? ANYTHING?!!?
  21. They were cheating. They will always cheat until the entire staff is cleaned out from top to bottom. They were deflating footballs since 2007 for God's sake. They didn't all of a sudden decide to deflate balls but not touch anything else.
  22. WHAT, pray tell, makes you think the Pats** weren't cheating last year? It's WHAT they DO, it's WHO they ARE. There needs to be lifetime bans on the entire staff to clean house there.
  23. They're likely still doing it and much more that hasn't made it to public awareness yet.
  24. Does anyone believe they aren't STILL doing this stuff and more that no one has ever heard about?
  25. Congrats Bills' fans. Good TE, hate to see him go.
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