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Posts posted by pkwwjd

  1. If we rush the field, or the team acts like it won the Superbowl, I'll be disappointed in the team and the fans. Yes, we want to beat the Pats badly... but it's a week three game. Act like you've won a game before, prepare for the next week and move on. Celebrate after the season is over and we're hoisting a trophy above our heads.

    Why is everyone saying it has to be later in the season? 1980 against Miami was opening day that the goalposts came down ... If they come down, they come down because things are going well for the Bills & I would love for that to be the case.

  2. Heard the ref's take on it from his press conference (didn't know they had press conferences too...) Carey said he was in his locker room when he was buzzed to look at the replay. Went back to the field and went under the hood and found the replay system not even on, had to wait for them to cue up the play ... And then discovered that the buzz from upstairs was a malfunction, there was really no call to review it.

  3. Not a big fan of Sanchez on or off of the field, but his QBR rating of 17 just isn't right! I'll stress that I don't think hes a top QB, but he did play a solid game. I think the fact that McNabb received a higher rating than Sanchez clearly illustrates that ESPN has some tweaking to do with the QBR system! That is total BS! McNabb only passed for 39 yards. Sanchez had over 300. Sure, he had two dangerous turnovers, but at the end of the day, it was his arm that moved the ball for the Jets.


    What they should do is average the QBR and traditional passer rating systems to come up with a NIQBRS (new and improved quarterback rating system)

    When given a gift wrapped possession at the end of the game, how many yards did Sanchez give to his kicker to make it an easier kick? Sanchez did just like Romo I'm the 4th quarter and tried to give the game to the opponent. The ESPN rating system seems to function just fine.

  4. GO BILLS!!!

    Biscuit was great, but no way in heck would a trade ever happen like that again. Nowadays you can get Pro Bowl players for a 3rd or 4th round pick and back in 1987 the Bills gave up 2 first round picks, a 2nd round pick and a Pro Bowl running back for Bennett-then had to pay half of Bell's salary the first year in order for the Rams to accept Bell (they wanted Ronnie Harmon). Bell was a malcontent and hardly no team in the league wanted anything to do with him, despite him making the Pro Bowl as a rookie. The Rams got 3 first round picks, 3 second round picks and some scrub for a running back who already had half a dozen seasons in the league. Check out the link for the below Los Angeles newspaper article where Bell has some not so kind words for our owner.


    Halloween Trade

    We should have given them Harmon ... Maybe then we would have been in 5 straight Super Bowls ...

  5. Who said anything about class warfare having anything to do with it? One of the biggest battle royales I have seen was in the club seats started by a supposedly well-off guy and his buddies.


    Again, here is wisdom: never give an order you know won't be followed. I know, and, unless you are psychologically committed to anit-smoking, you know, that 10ks of people smoke at the game. You expect them all to listen to you, when they don't even listen to the "designated smoking area" rule?


    This is not about anarchy, this is about common sense. Moreover, if the Bills win some f'ing games, more people will be watching, and less smoking. Again, common sense.


    I am sure the "buttheads"....not the Bills "losing", is the only reason you cancelled. Hmmmm.



    1. Somebody is hacking up this thread...and it isn't me. Mods.

    2. I can't believe I have to explain to anyone the difference in the group dynamics and mindset of 70k people with the expectation of "hey we have a chance, should be a good game" vs. "we have no chance, and that A-hole Pats fan, who doesn't even know what happened to them in 1985, won't shut up...."

    I can't believe that we needed someone to produce a link for how many stadiums allow smoking for proof of that statement, but no one to this point has asked OC to backup his claim of 10s of thousands that smoke at each game. Does anyone reallybelieve that 1 in 7 smoke at every game? OC, you are making up a number to bolster you case ... A number that is absurdly high. I only bring it up because you continue to use it in your argument. It really isn't 10,000s of people who are thumbing their nose at the prohibition of smoking in the stands. It is a small handful. There's not even 10,000s of people who smoke in the stadium if you include the designated smoking areas along with those smoking in the stands. It's not even 1,000s ... More like a few hundred. Or I could use OC's method of determining a number and declare that there is no one smoking at a game ... But that would be incorrect and obvious to anyone who pays attention at a game.

  6. I'm definitely with Biscuit on this one.


    As for your "reality" statements, here's a counterpoint or two:


    1) The revised fact is that now nobody is permitted to smoke within the stadium. Additionally, if the same 10s of thousands of people cannot attend a game without smoking, then they do not have to go. Nobody is forcing them to. As I said in the uber-long thread when the policy was first announced, when I was a pack-a-day smoker, I still didn't smoke at games. It just wasn't that big a deal to go 4 hours without a cigarette. Also, it definitely is an issue that's within everyone's scope of concern. Certain people are bothered by cigarette smoke, and it is undeniably a health issue, so I beg to differ with your assertion in that regard.


    2) If this is the predominant mentality of the majority of fans, then the policy is absolutely necessary. The whole "spit in the face of authority just for the sake of it" sentiment is juvenile at best, destructive at worst, and--in my opinion--should be discouraged fervently.


    Lastly, I would submit to you that it is the "legions" that need to work on their acceptance of the reality that if they smoke, they can (and likely will) be removed from the game. That's a fact. No offense intended here, just realize that thumping your chest with the "screw the man" rhetoric doesn't change that reality.


    Winning games won't stop people from being self-destructive; they either will or they won't. The threat of losing the privelage (not right) to watch a live game, however, might encourage a change.


    Thank you for a simple and true response containing no attacks on someone who is already riled up ...


    And to the ones who think that things like wanting to smoke more is a result of not winning ... watch an old Bills highlight reel and you'll see PLENTY of people smoking right in the stands ... even during the glory years.

  7. lol how true. I prefer those who sing it rather than perform it. The guy who's a regular at Sabres games is pretty good.

    Doug is a good friend of mine ... I know many who love when he does it -- it's always about the country, not Doug (though he still does some things that identify his style, it's not about him).

  8. I am assuming he counted from what is available on the ticketmaster website in each section. My count as of 345 is 2391. I think they may get close and I can't help but feel like someone will be buying the rest of the tickets to ensure this is a sell out.

    That's what I did, took about 3 minutes to hover over each section and enter it into a calculator.


    I'm hoping that it's few enough for someone to swoop in and buy 'em ...

  9. What a game freezing rain and cold. For some reason our seats were at the top of the stadium last row. We had the goalpost last before they went over the edge. I think it was well past 7PM before anyone even considered leaving. I would love to see a video of the guys out in just their tees and football pants dancing in the middle of the field to Talking Proud. 1980 a season of great celebrations!!!

    The Rams game starts around 6:15 ... the winning kick & celebration around 8:00


  10. Corner had his elbow in bounds. He caught that ball. Refs !@#$ed up that call.

    Don't forget the "Dead Patriot Laying Out of Bounds Thus Negating Recovery of Fumbles by Bills Rule" ... it goes for INTs as well. Boldin became an extension of the out of bounds line while touching Corner.

  11. As I said in one of the other threads about the non-INT


    Another point that has been lost in all of this is the "Dead Patriot Laying Out of Bounds Thus Negating Recovery of Fumbles by Bills Rule" ... if Boldin is touching the white line in any way, while touching Corner (before Corner has established possession), then Corner is ruled out of bounds. I haven't gone back to look at the play, but by my recollection that is definitely a possibility.


    It doesn't matter if Corner's elbow came down in bounds ... he was on top of Boldin whose back was touching the white stripe ... Corner is thus ruled out of bounds

  12. Another point that has been lost in all of this is the "Dead Patriot Laying Out of Bounds Thus Negating Recovery of Fumbles by Bills Rule" ... if Boldin is touching the white line in any way, while touching Corner (before Corner has established possession), then Corner is ruled out of bounds. I haven't gone back to look at the play, but by my recollection that is definitely a possibility.

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