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Posts posted by pkwwjd

  1. Gary Gait is God.  John Grant is certainly an apostle.



    He and bro Paul were so fun to watch at SU back in the 80s. I wish they televised more back then.


    Air Gait is quite possibly one of the most amazing athletic moves in any sport. It's too bad they made it illegal. It really is ABOUT the equivelant of dunking from the 3 point line. Not quite, but almost.

  2. I think the draft where the Vikes could not get their pick in on time and teams were jumping in front of them takes the cake for drafts of all time.  I think it was a couple of years ago.  But the fans were going NUTS throwing crap at the table and the home party riot.  Funny stuff....



    They actually did it in back to back drafts the last two years, if my memory serves me right :w00t:

  3. As for the tone of these spots, ROTS will be like all the other Star Wars movies in that there will be serious parts, as well as fun, purely-for-entertainment parts.  The teaser, the trailer, and the first two TV spots focused on the former, these focus on the latter.  Gotta have balance.



    As you have noticed, there are certain phrases that are said in every movie like "I've got a bad feeling about this"


    Who do you think will say this first in the ROTS? You know it's coming, the questions are who and when ...

  4. Yay Meredith and Gretchen...

    for not being eliminated in the amazing race.  what a great race this has been!  I know alot of you are down on reality shows, but this one rocks!  2 people racing around the world against others.  It is great to see how the teams come together to accomplish thier goal.  I like rob and amber to win, but any of them would be ok in my book, except ron(?) and kelly, he seems to be a prick.  Final 4 baby!



    The former POW might be a jerk, but the previews for next week really cast the beauty queen in a nasty light -- something about her implying that he got himself captured for the notariety and to get out of his commitment to the military. Oh yeah, ... that'll win you supporters in this time of war.

  5. I've been shaving my head every day for 4 years now (except a very ocassional day that I just don't feel like it). I switch between the Mach3 and the newer Schick Quattro. The Mach is go for those times after I've gone a day between shaves -- it gets the stubble really well. I use the Quattro on a regular basis because it get the hair closer, which makes the next day not so tough to shave. I also use shaving cream on my head. I used to just use the cheapest stuff at WalMart, but have switched to using any of the $2.50/can gels because they are much better in terms of keeping down the razor burn.

  6. Hmmm, pat yourself on the back all you want, I am sure someone could come up with many examples to the contrary.


    While I can't really fathom what went in Mexico, the Pope being boo'd in Scotland is not all that surprising, and not all that hard to understand...I am not saying I agree with it, but there is a very recent bloody history between the Catholics and Protestants in Ireland and Scotland.  Our founding fathers implemented a seperation of church and state in our constiutution (I know, Republicans are doing their damndest to eliminate the seperation, but at least for now it still exists), it is not the same in those countries.


    Politics and religion go hand in hand in Scotalnd and Ireland.  The Pope, in Scotland or Ireland, is as much a politcal figure, as he is a religious figure.  Their disrespect of him would be no different than Americans lumping all Muslims in with the Taliban...



    Don't start throwing around the "seperation of church and state in our constiutution" -- just don't go there. Whether or not you understand the original intent of that statement, it's foolish to go that direction.


    BTW, what part of the constitution contains the phrase "separation of church and state"? or anything of the like?

  7. Why has our country gotten to the point where everyone feels that a wrongful act committed in your direction entitles you to money? The point of criminal justice is to change the criminal and help the victim. Does money help here? No. Maybe a couple of sessions with a helpful child psychologist or counselor (pastor, maybe?) would help the poor girl. It was humiliating, she could use a hand over it. Money only helps Mom (& Dad, if there is one) forget it ever happened. Our legal system sometimes amounts to legalized blackmail.


    Discipline the teacher according to what is reasonable. Should a person be blackballed out of their profession for a momentary lapse in judgment? No. What about if it indicates a long standing method of operating? Well, then find a new line of work.


    These kinds of lawsuits are what make people like John Edwards have enough money to run for congress and VP, and trash our medical system causing insurance rates to go through the ceiling (not to mention the stratosphere).

  8. 'Buffalo Bills starting quarterback, J.P. Losman, will throw out the ceremonial first pitch at the Buffalo Bisons 2005 Home Opener: Thursday, April 7 at 4:05 p.m. against the Richmond Braves.'


    Doesn't he have a clue?  Letting the franchise QB throw pitch at a  minor league baseball game is probably the dumbest thing he has done in his tenure in Buffalo.  If JP tears his rotating cup I will hold TD personally responsible!  :ph34r:



    Or worse yet, he could tear his rotator cuff :)

  9. People hate when I post this, but sometimes the truth hurts.


    Backup yoru data and reinstall Windows.  I'm guessing it's been a long time (well over a year) since you first got the PC.  Reinstalling will not only clean out a ton of gunk, it will give you a 10-20% performance increase.





    I re-install my OS every 12-18 months, and it makes such a difference. I highly recommend it!

  10. did this just go into effect today?

    because an indian who works on my floor (first name is mohammed and doesn't have a green card) travelled to toronto and back with his family without being asked to show his passport...he said he was surprised and was initially worried about crossing the border



    The article says by 2008, the passport will be required. I still think that they're bluffing. I know you all are talking about the canadian ballet, but in my line of work (church youth ministry) this would make things difficult for me -- imagine trying to make sure that my teens all have paid for, applied for, and received their passports before planning a day trip to Toronto to do the CN Tower and Medieval Times (like we are doing in June). Then if everyone has a passport, I need to make sure that everyone actually brings it with them. That process is not a big deal for an overseas mission trip as I've done in the past, but for a day trip? I don't think it'll happen.

  11. Well, in all fairness the game was pretty forgetable.

    Wait....what's that?    I think Drew just threw ANOTHER interception in the endzone  :rolleyes:


    " Sure I threw it right to the defender...but my plan was the ref would call P.I and we would get another shot."



    "I was sure that they'd call Pass Interference in the end zone, they did it that one time against Henry Jones, oh, wait ... that went against the Bills ..." :o

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