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Posts posted by pkwwjd

  1. In today’s FA big $$ reality, how can a small market team like Buffalo rebuild if they are constantly losing key players to FA. It’s like a revolving door here in Buffalo as soon as a player gets good and gels with the team their gone to FA. You cannot rebuild like this, too many holes keep popping up year after year.


    Yeah, you can't just keep letting your FA go, year after year. Really, just look at the Pittsburgh Steelers. :lol::D


    Big names and production don't mean much in the NFL. What IS important? Your GM's prognosis on future production compared to other options.

  2. ignorance is bliss.


    you need larger DEs in a 3-4 in order to hold up against the run as well as a much larger DT able to take on the G-T consistently.


    There is no way in hell that Jauron /Fewell morph their cover -2 philosophy with smaller quicker Dts into a 3-4.


    Yeah, that's why Bruce never worked well in the 3-4 :)


    Bruce would have to be a MLB on D if that were the case :doh:

  3. Sorry, I live out of state & I'm a pastor -- Sundays are usually kind of booked for me.


    That being said, I went to a preseason game (4 tickets), used my credit card points to get 2 tickets to the Miami game (had to sell them cuz it did line up with my vacation), and bought 4 more tickets to Tennessee game (cuz it does line up with my vacation).


    My wife has consented to one of my dreams -- when I retire, we'll rent an RV and hit each of the 16 (or more) Bills games that year. Until then, I'll need to be content with one or two games a year.

  4. I live in Rochester and im about 70-80 miles from Orchard Park. The article says Santa Clara is about 30 miles away from San Fran. So tell me how it is like the Bills moving to Rochester?  ;)



    The point isn't about mileage, it's about commute times, and another city taking the team. Orchard Park isn't a threat to Buffalo as the main city in Erie county/Western New York. However, if pro franchises start moving to Rochester ...


    While Rochester is still regional to Buffalo (as is Santa Clara to SF), it can clearly be a competitor. As much as we want regional support for the Bills, they are still the BUFFALO Bills.

  5. I actually think that they would be served well by going to a 3 WR set, TE right side (to help out our RT, RG) and a single back.


    'Course, I'm not paid to make those decisions. I'm just tired of the token play fake out of the I Formation with a flare pass to Shelton.


    Let Josh Reed play slot and motion him as needed for extra blocking, depending on the direction/misdirection of the play.


    We need more ace back sets -- WM or AT.

  6. Looked like??????


    Its possible he could have been playing drunk


    I was trying to put the best possible spin on those days ... One of my good friends played football with Jim in high school (my friend was a freshman when Jim was a senior, my friend's claim to fame is that Jim peed on him in the shower) -- when I've mentioned that Jim looked drunk during a few of those games early in his career, my friend said it wouldn't surprise him at all.

  7. In '86, we were coming off of 2-14, 2-14, 4-12 seasons. Not many cared about the Bills. Kelly came into camp after two years in the minors (USFL) where he honed his ability to run an offense. His first two years in the NFL, his passer rating (though not the perfect measure of QBing, it is the best we have) was 83-84 both years. Nothing great. In '88, his first year with Thermal (which should have helped) his rating dropped to 78.2. '89 his rating increased to 86.2 -- a level that we would now be more or less satisfied with. His fifth NFL season the rating jumped to 101+. That was his 7th season of starting in a professional setting. It takes time to develop team identity, team play. Even extremely talented players take years to jell (gel?) as a team. Give Marv a chance to develop that team.


    I don't remember anyone who cared about the Bills calling for Marv's head early on in his career. The only head we called for was Kelly's. Course that was only after those games where it looked like he was playing drunk ...

  8. Yes, the children come first and that's just a lovely sentiment because who in the world would argue it?


    But the team comes next and I suspect what bothered the Rams is not that he took care of his child but that he failed to tell anyone and was considered MIA, and if you've ever had a coworker suddenly disappear for a couple of days, you know as well as I do that they IMMEDIATELY and automatically lose whatever credibility they had.


    If that is really the case, as it seems to be, then you can apply the T.O. Allaboutme Theory of "Once is an accident, twice is coincidence...and I don't !@#$ing believe in coinicidence."


    You watch. This dude !@#$s up just once, and he's standing next to Ryan Leaf about to take your car rental confirmation number.


    Does that mean that Gandy should be the dude vacuuming out the car for the next customer?

  9. Lee Evans had a really poor outing yesterday. In addition to the routes coming up short on third down, he also rounded off a square-in pattern on the pass that Dre Bly should have picked off. If Lee squares that cut, he gets the pass and the Bills have a first down outside of their twenty, instead of punting from their one yard line.

  10. First, a new replay screen. It is without question the worst in the history of Western civilization. Its like trying to watch replays on a Lite-Brite. Shadow puppets would be better.


    I know other teams have better scoreboards, but, seriously, do you remember the old monochrome scoreboard ("here's the replay on the scoreboard ...")


    I would guess most of us who remember the first Rich Stadium scoreboard don't place as high of an importance on the scoreboard being HD and such. The old scoreboard was literally watching LiteBrite while being color blind.

  11. Nope.  I wouldn't trade a bag of pucks for Randy Moss.  Big time loser in my opinion.  I don't see where he makes the teams he plays for any better and I'm betting he is a cancer in the lockerroom, the field, the tunnel and the parking lot.


    My bet on the cancer in Oakland centers more around Al Davis ...

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