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Posts posted by pkwwjd

  1. Actually I was thinking you might consider throwing a pass play into the mix there, if you trust your QB to do exactly what Edwards did. I ultimately decided that the downside (longer FG attempt, possible fumble or stupid QB decision) outweighed the possibility of winning the game right there, but I can understand the thought.

    I thought it was a designed naked bootleg. Spread formation, everyone went left except for Trent who went right. As soon as he saw he wasn't alone, he goes down. Just my thought.

  2. 5. Special teams! Outstanding. Not only in the creativity (the fake FG), but also in their execution and toughness (nice hit by Ko that forced the fumble). Burleson did have some decent returns, but overall, this was an incredible job by the Bills best unit.

    My only correction is that it was Corto that forced the fumble on the Kickoff. Corto was a madman last Sunday. Great blocks on returns. Two great hits on coverage -- one that forced the fumble, one stuff on the next kick return.

  3. All those players showed up to camp to practice and to be there with their teammates, unlike Peters.

    ding, ding, ding, we have a winner


    Add to that the other players didn't have the arrogant attitude that showed that they would have a problem continuing to play for their current contract numbers. Each one was (while probably privately hoping) publicly somewhat surprised that the Bills gave them extensions. Humility ... it goes a long way in dealing with your boss.

  4. I was impressed with our ability to run the ball last night. Even though Pitt appeared to be playing a pretty vanilla defense...the fact that we ran well against a 3-4 is a good thing. If we can carry that kind of success into the season we're gonna have some fun!


    Now, let's get Peters in camp and see what the first teamers can do.


    I'm not sure that I define vanilla the same way. Only because I don't think you are playing vanilla D when you line up with only 1 down lineman. At that point you're trying to create confusion. Pitt did that several times with their starters against Edwards.

  5. They never said they thought they had a better shot with Rodgers then Favre, the reasoning behind not bringing him back was because the team had already moved on and were already well into an off season of building their offence around Rodgers since Favre decided to retire. By bringing him back in to start, they would be throwing away an entire offseason of work so Brett could play again


    This is the best post on the whole subject to date (IMHO). I've always loved Favre as a player -- and as a person, fun-loving, competitive, open, fan-friendly. This will discolor my view of Favre from now on. It's similar to what Barry Sanders did to Detroit (except the opposite extreme) giving little to no indication that he was going to retire and then doing it suddenly as training camp was about to start, giving Detroit no opportunity to fill his enormous void. That was classless -- in spite of a history of being a classy gentleman and great player. Favre retired this spring (maybe even late winter), now as the team has restructured and made plans for the last several months to move on, he wants back in? Sorry, he jerked the Pack around the last few years with the "will he or won't he retire" game. I'm glad the Pack moved on. Favre does not need to be painted as someone who has been wronged. Deal with it, Brett, you made your decision and didn't like it.

  6. I believe it was the game versus the Patsies where Roland Hooks (?) caught the game winner at the tail end of the game. Naturally I missed it because my husband's best friend brought his whiny wife who complained the whole game how cold she was, so we left early to shut her up. In fact, we didn't know the Bills had won till we got home and stopped at a friend's house and he yelled WOW WHATTA GAME! OOOOOO I was mad.


    UGH. Thanks for making me remember. :lol:

    I was there too, my Dad wanted to leave, too. We got in the parking lot just in time to hear the roar from the crowd and the PA say "Here's the replay on the scoreboard." Never have I left any game in any sport early since then.

  7. I still remember my first trip to Rich Stadium. It was 1993. I live in Texas and my dad drove our entire family all the way to Orchard Park so I could see where my Bills played. It was in the summer and I remember when we drove up, I was in awe looking at the super bowl logos painted on the outside marquee. Even though we lost those games, I still loved seeing the logos-reminded me of our team's accomplishments. My family went to the front desk and we told the secretary where we had driven from. She called someone from the front office and they escorted my family around the stadium. I was amazed at the generosity of the Bills staff on duty that day. As we left, I told the secretary that we were going back to the Super Bowl again the next year (which we did- SB 28). A few years later, I came back to Ralph Wilson Stadium to see the Bills play- it was a December game against Jacksonville (Steve Tasker's last game). I loved seeing the snow coming down and I loved going to downtown Buffalo. My family and I went around downtown throwing snowballs at each other everywhere we went- the locals knew we were from out of town. The atmosphere of the fans and the town was great. I wish I was able to make it up there more.


    It got me thinking, when was your first game at the Ralph/Rich Stadium and what was it like? Or the Rockpile, for the old timers?


    Very cool, though I do have to say that Tasker's last game was against GB (IIRC). Jax may have been his last home game. He got tossed from the GB game for arguing/touching an official.


    My first was against GB in '79 -- Terry Miller had a great day, including a 45ish yard TD run and the Bills won 19-12. Great day.

  8. Yeah, I'm sure he dumped it down the toilet and never drank it when you weren't around. :devil:


    It's possible, and I'm not saying it never happens. But people need to be realistic about these things.


    Tell me, seriously. In all honesty, if you did the same thing with 10 kids, how many of the 10 would actually put the booze away and never take a drop the rest of the night (counting the 99% of the time you're not watching them) because you told them not to?


    1? If you're lucky?

    No he didn't dump it down the toilet. But also, no he didn't drink it the rest of the night when I wasn't watching. Our friendship was based on respect for one another. We could use some of that in this day and age.

  9. It's prom night. Kids are going to drink. As many as want to drink are going to drink. It's much better and much safer to be in a house with a parent than in a park or a car.


    I disagree ... I had a small post prom party (years ago) with some of my friends. One of them brought some alcohol and took it out part way through the night. I told him to put it away ... and he did. Amazing what positive peer pressure can do. He wanted to drink, but he didn't. It's much better and much safer to not drink.

  10. I can't imagine who will get the most votes on this board ...


    At least through most of his years with the Bills, you always game planned against Bruce & it still didn't help your offense do anything. Bruce was dominant most every Sunday that he was suited up. Strahan has been a great player for most of his career -- I don't want to take anything away from him (except that farce sack against Favre for the single season record).

  11. Even though this question lost a lot of seriousness a while back ... I bring up the counter point --


    Most cultures, i.e. besides western (european & american), consider it a sign of respect to cover the head, not remove the covering. I find this interesting because we remove our hat to sing the anthem, go to church, etc, but in the Jewish tradition (on which the Christian western culture is originally based) you place a covering on your head to enter worship, or engage in official business with political and religious authorities. As a pastor, I still ask the teens in the youth group to remove their hats when we pray, but how important is the hat vs. the importance of the heart within?

  12. You guys actually like how the lightning bolt is done on the shoulders? The bolt on the white jersies aren't so bad with the blue background, but on the navy & powder blues? It looks like someone at the design firm didn't know how to use an alpha channel and make the background transparent. That's the kind of work I would have done on my 286 PC back in 1993.


    The helmets are cool, the jersey colors are great, but those shoulder bolts ruin it for me. I'd be ticked if the Bills put a buffalo on the sleeve of our jersey with an oversized white background like mom did it at home with an iron on transfer.

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