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Posts posted by pkwwjd

  1. ... we drafted Willis McGahee in the first round of the 2003 draft.


    We were coming off an 8-8 season, we had all the tools to be a prolific offense (the 2002 version was easily the best since the Kelly/No huddle days ... and Donahoe drafts a player who wouldn't help us at all in 2003.


    When you're poised to take the next big step, from average team to playoff and Super Bowl contender, you don't take players who can't help you immediately. The window of opportunity in today's NFL is open far shorter than it was 10 years ago, or before free agency. If you're in the no-mans land of the NFL (7-9 through 9-7), you simply cannot be using your first-round picks on the future.


    We absolutely blew it with that pick.

    Unfortunately ... the second half of that 2002 season that you refer to was quite pedestrian in an offensive sense. The first half of the year, we're talking about Bledsoe being on pace to take out some Marino records. He threw 610 passes that year (Kelly in comparison threw 480 as his most in 1986). After 8 games ... Bledsoe had 2500 yards passing, 16 TDs, 5 INTs. The last 8, 1800 yards, 8 TDs, 10 INTs. The 2002 version that you speak of only refers to the first 8 games. 2003 started in week 9 against NE. Let's not romanticize that year, thinking that McGahee brought us down. We were brought down when the rest of the league watched how NE stopped us and copied them.

  2. Losman never had the mental makeup to be an NFL QB. It was obvious when he looked like a pop warner QB at the end of the New England game his rookie year. It is dis-concerting that the guy responsible for college scouting who made huge misses on headcases like Mike Williams and Losman is still in charge.

    It was obvious when Meathead threw an untested and unreadied rookie QB against possibly the most dominant team in a situation where their pass rushers had their "ears pinned back" to kill the QB at a time when it would be impossible for any QB to succeed ... and to top it all off, JPL was the 3rd QB that day and Meathead bypassed our #2 and told JP to get in the game with no warm up time ...



    Yeah, that obvious. He was set up to fail that day. Was it designed to teach him a lesson? I have no idea. But there are a million other things to bring up that were JP's fault in his career in Buffalo ... that first day against NE the fault belongs ALL to Meathead.

  3. Jim spoke at length at the Frank Reich breakfast last weekend regarding the future of the Bills. I wasn't videotaping when he made the comment or I would post it. Essentially he said that he guaranteed that the Bills future would be set in Buffalo for "at least the next 20 years or more". Those words stuck in my mind -- hence the quotes. I leaned over to one of my colleagues sitting next to me and asked if Jim just guaranteed that the Bills will stay and he saw it exactly the same way.


    BTW, if it is Rich that has the interest .... it would be great to go back to Rich Stadium.

  4. I agree on some points. It was single handedly the worst reffed Super Bowl I have ever seen. That call on the Dansby was atrocious! They couldn't bring this guy down all night and he has a clean shot at the guy and gets flagged. Harrison should have been thrown out of the game for his Unnecessary Roughness, that and it came while the punt was in the air so it should have been Arizona ball.


    You could see the NFL's investment in the Steelers. I got your back Jerry.

    the main problem with your comment is that once the ball is punted it has changed possession. That is why when there is holding that occurs while the ball is in the air, it doesn't revert back to the punting team.

  5. the ref near the goal line immediately through his flag on the kickoff ... thus deeming it an illegal kick and ending the play ... it was not a ruling they decided to enforce when they realized they made a mistake. His call was immediate and decisive ... something often lacking in this day of instant replay and constant critiquing of every call in every sport. Watching the play several times in HD, I saw the player's finger move when the ball grazed it on the way down while the player was still in bounds, then slightly change rotation/direction when hitting the same player on the way up after hitting in bounds while the player was standing out of bounds. It was the absolute correct call.


    It's review-ability is similar to what it is on a fumble that is ruled incomplete or down by contact on the field ... once the whistle has sounded, possession cannot be challenged ... though they did slightly alter that this year so that some could be reviewed (maybe if the ball was recovered before the actual whistle sounded?). On the kickoff, it is clear as soon as the flag is through, the play is dead.

  6. On the kickoff it was exactly the right call ...


    the ball hit the guys hand on the way down (means live ball) ... it hits his arm after the bounce while he is standing out of bounds (means dead ball at the spot)


    The refs have messed up lots of calls this year ... you're barking up the wrong tree on this one though. They almost messed it up by placing the ball at the 40 (meaning illegal kick out of bounds). Apparently the linejudge toward the goalline only saw the ball hit him on the way up while he was standing OOB. They corrected themselves before it was all over and placed it just outside the 30 where he touched the ball.

  7. good coaching wins you x number of games a year

    bad coaching costs you x number of games a year


    journeyman/cerebral/superstar QBs do blah blah blah for you ...



    Everybody does know that 78.49% of all statistics are made up on the spot, right?


    I appreciate the passion that this board brings to discussion about the Bills, but if all of us know so much about each player and what we need ... how come we're all on this side of the discussion, not in the warroom with Ralph on Draft Day? Seriously ... why the hate and venom for everyone who disagrees? State an opinion as an opinion, use REAL stats to back them up ... let others respond. It's not that difficult.

  8. My instant response to the situation was to yell at the TV that Jauron should not be allowed to come back out on the sidelines after halftime ... that sequence of events should have made Wilson mad enough to storm down to the locker room and have security escort Jauron off the stadium property.

  9. Forget points allowed. Our defense rarely takes over a game. Miami only scored one touchdown, but moved the ball when they needed to the entire game. We still need upgrades on defense if we want to compete for anything other than last place in our division.


    One of the few times that our D did take over a game was against the Jets when Poz caused a bad pass to be returned for a TD. Of course, the D gave the game right back on the next possession ... letting the Jests to drive right down the field.

  10. I'm done......the Buffalonian in me knew I was going to get F'd out of that call somehow. How does that not SCREAM a fix? The outcome of the game was the same no matter what. After the goaline call aginst Stroud followed up by the phantom illegal onsides kick last week....now this....too close for comfort. 90% of the Refs must have houses foreclosed on.


    Really.....take the fun out of it by pulling junk like that.


    We need to get over the onsides kick call ... it touched our FB's hand ... I didn't think so the first few times that I saw it, but on the NE endzone shot in HD, it definitely hit his hand. OTOH, it should have been reviewed simply to make sure they got the right call considering the confusion by the refs on the field, but it was the right call.

  11. Welker's done it before, too. I know it's already been asked and answered, but here's the official out-of-bounds rule:



    And because there is no specific exception for a free kick -- perhaps there should be? -- the call was correct. (I was initially pissed by it, but only because from my vantage point at the far end of the field, I thought he'd touched it before he stepped out.)

    though on a punt (or pass play) a person who has been OOB cannot be the first person to touch the ball ... i believe even on a fumble I've seen it ruled illegal touching for an OOB player to be the one to recover ... these rules seem to be inconsistent with one another.

  12. BFFKTS, do you take donations? :w00t: Seriously though, Trent needs to recognize this himself as well and get it outta there too. Love his 4th quarter savy but the dude has stunk up the joint just a little bit at times during the first half of games this year. They're trying to kill you man but please, hold on to the ball. :thumbdown:

    He also needs to recognize the fact that the ball is on the ground, just cover it up ... don't get up and try to get your knee blown off.


    In the big picture, though, these things happen and I'm very pleased with Trent's recognition (even if we don't take into account that he's just started game 13 of his career).

  13. i'm friends with Donte & Marshawn -- Donte, probably real ; Marshawn, I doubt it

    also have Alvin Bowen & Derek Fine, both of these are definitely them, too many real life pictures


    Also have a couple sabres -- Teppo (probably not real), and Gerbe, definitely him.


    I had Barnes, but told him he could remove me if he wanted privacy -- he did

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