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Posts posted by pkwwjd

  1. You're right Simon, I am what I hate, at least in this instance. But I will tell you this: I live in the heart of the Bible belt and have been to church a great deal of my life, nobody understands the Christian faith better than me, nobody. I don't hate God, I hate organized religion and the way it tears the world apart. But hey, as a famous athlete, I would be crucified (pardon the pun), if I stated my views on national TV.............it is the Christian equivalent of playing the "race card". They can say what they want without impunity, whereas a view like mine would be vilified.

    and you say that because you're not vilifying him? Are you just treating him with the words that you would expect be thrown your way? I don't disagree that organized religion has done damage through the years ... but here you are, tearing apart a man for expressing what is a very personal relationship in his life. He's not holding up a particular church or denomination (i.e., organized religion). He's stating his testimony ... what he has experienced in & through his life. Why are you arguing that?

  2. I hate these religious zealots. I want to puke everytime they start talking. That is the one benefit to not picking up Frazier, he probably would have been thanking Jesus at every turn just like his mentor. God doesn't invest in the outcome of a game, but nutjobs like TeBow want to praise Jesus at every opportunity. :thumbsup:


    Leave the fairytales to the confines of 4 walls and a roof.

    Then you can leave your fairy tale within your 4 walls and your roof ... no need for a double standard. Sure, I'll admit that I'll never prove the existence of God or His Son to you ... are you willing to admit that it is impossible to disprove His existence (since that would seem to be your basis for calling it a fairy tale)?

  3. I wish all of you guys well. I have served the team faithfully in cities all-around the country proud of my colors. Well I'm not from western NY, but the Adirondacks, and I've never seen the Bills play live. I've watched just about every game since I discovered football in 89'. I even watched the entire Oilers game and I BILLeved.


    Why should I treat a team like a wife or a child I love? They don't treat me that way, they treat me as a product they can capitalize on, and if that's true why oh why should I treat the product so lovingly when I cannot love the product they give me? Why should be so hell-bent on the emotions of a team that I don't live there and MAINLY because you treat the customer like garbage?


    People can say I'm a bandwagon jumper and to that I say B.S. I always had hope the product would improve and I could enjoy the game even if they lose. I enjoyed watching the Bledsoe years as much as they pained me because we tried to improve the team even though the results weren't great. I got excited about Losman as a 1st rounder even after his 2 games under 80 yards and I was scratching my head how he was in the NFL. I loved the Flutie OR Johnson year, even the Collins years.


    Now as a man in my 30's I realize this is a business, and why should I treat this business like my freaking family when it spits in my face? I should be following players and liking those teams they play on. Some team that is exciting and young with a good nucleus I could enjoy for 8-10 years.


    The hiring of an old man as GM without any experience and a figure-head to a nerd who knows nothing about football, to an owner who won't hire a guy like Schott, to finally now hiring a guy like Gailey has me relinquish my love for this team.


    I wish everyone well and I'm sure all the "don't let the door hit ya" posts will be lost on me as I don't care.



    Thanks Ralph!!!!

    yet another "fan" who began following the Bills in their glory years that is walking away ... and I am fine with that ... I remember 2-14, 2-14, 4-12 like it was yesterday (and I know that there are many others who remember worse)

  4. Okay, I get it. This is the proverbial vomit moment for Bills nation. I get it. I was just as let down as anyone yesterday. Chan "FREAKING" Gailey???!!!!


    But, we have to deal with it. Forget the guy(s) who wrote on the board after the announcement "Farewell" addresses or what have you. I am a fan of this team, till the day I die or til the team moves...well, wherever (whichever comes first).

    As furious as this team and its owner makes me, I'll stick with them. Even if I accumulate a few more ulcers along the way.


    The point is, we can't change who the coach is. Its Chan Gailey. No matter if we like it or not, we can't change that. The guys been the head coach for 18 hours and hasn't lost nor won a game yet. He hasn't essembled a staff yet nor drafted anybody, nor said who the quarterback is going to be nor finished with a losing record.


    I'm not going to say if the guys a bad coach after 18 hours and hasn't coached a game yet. I'm just gonna see what he brings to the table and live with it. I'm going to give Gailey a chance. Not saying anyone else has to. But I am. Even if I have ten years of reasons not to. Call me a sucker, but....

    Again ... here is the need for a "Like" button

  5. I was the only person on this board who didn't want to draft Lynch so you can spare me that. And I could care less about Warner's religion; if he takes pride in his faith, more power to him. Right or wrong, I just don;t get the sense he's as sincere as he makes out; and apparently I'm not the only one picking up on it.

    one of my current colleagues in the church was Kurt's pastor when they were both in Iowa ... according to my colleague, Kurt was an extremely dedicated, real Christian. Unless he's changed dramatically, I would guess he still is. I find it interesting that the biggest critics of who is a sincere Christian or not are those who don't even have faith in Christ. Many times the best story is ratting out someone who just isn't as perfect as Jesus ... as tough as that may be ... :huh:

  6. Exactly. Western New York deserves better. We all deserve better. Let me ask all you haters out there. What if this team goes through three more sh*tty head coaches in the next 7 years? Never finishes above .500, continues to not spend money, raises ticket prices, players we develop continue to resign and shine somewhere else, and the team is a weekly punchline on ESPN???? Will you still follow blindly? I mean when is enough enough?

    I don't know if I'm a "hater" but I'll answer ...

    Part of being a Bills fan is about regionalism for me. It's like rooting for the US Hockey team in a few weeks. Would I wear a Team USA jersey ... in a heartbeat. What if they stocked the team with rejects from a Tim Bits hockey team? Absolutely! If they hired the Butcher to coach 'em? I'd be frustrated, but they are still my team because I am an American ... maybe a little hokey, but that is the truth. I'm from Buffalo. I root for the Bills & Sabres, good, bad or terrible. They make bad decisions ... I hate it, but they are still my team.


    BTW ... Amherst is not the only nice place in metro Buffalo ... plenty of good in the Southtowns, too.

  7. Dude I WAS 9 YEARS OLD. How young would you have liked me to start watching them? By the way I was a fan becuse my father was fan, Believe me growing up where I did, it was not as popular to be a Bills fan as it is in WNY.

    I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be critical of how old you were in '88 ... but trust me ... it wasn't easy to be a fan in WNY in the early 80s either. More people go to every Sabres game now than went to Bills games during those years. My point was simply that it unfortunate that you could start earlier because you would have gotten used to the idea that there are many down years along with the few up years. Bummer for you ... still, if you want to leave, just go ... don't expect a throng of people trying convince you to stay.

  8. So (to the OP) ... you're telling me that your first year as a fan was the year that we won the AFC East, clinching in week 12? That took a lot of dedication on your part. The problem with starting your fandom at that point is you became spoiled early on ... if only you were a fan a mere 5 years earlier and lived through back to back 2-14 years ... those are the seasons that cement your fanaticism for life. Be a fan of the team or don't be ... there is no need to tell us what you're doing.

  9. The announced reason for doing away with the red endzones was that they had turned to a dark pink ... the team couldn't get a guarantee that it wouldn't happen again (IIRC) ... sorry, no link, but that is my memory from when it happened.


    I wish we could have them again, though ... in real life and on Madden

  10. I really hate to be that guy but when was the last time someone checked that flightware.com site?


    Last night at 11:19PM a jet left Charlotte/Douglas Intl Airport and arrived at Buffalo international airport around 12:30 this morning. I find this coincidental because it was around the same time last night that Lambardi from NFLN said the Bills think they have their man and a decision could be made soon.



    I know this is all talk and there probably isnt anything but you never know....


    again, sorry for being "that guy"

    that would be a commercial airliner ... I doubt the Coach would be flying coach

  11. "Kitch 22" may also simply be "Catch 22" translated into WNY-ease.


    For instance, "Dat der Cowher problem is a rill Kitch 22 ... but I swears I seen 'em drivin' down da two-nineny dis mornin, right byes da big blue wadder tower der."

    That is definitely not WNY talk ... sounds more like a Yuper. My wife's labor nurse for our second child was a Yuper and I couldn't understand a word she said for 12 hours ...

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