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Everything posted by FreeBird

  1. Draft Patrick Mahones !
  2. 1. Yes 2.No - like winning the lottery 3. No maybe 1 for the road 4.No 5.Yes 6. FNO! BYEBYE TT
  3. getting high is universal give him a break...Marecelly had a upset stomach as reported by John Warrow ASS press
  4. Just a shorty Now if TyBo was 6ft3.. he would be aka franchise maybe... simple for me.. shorty
  5. Stayed MArriottHArbortown for SFO game last fall A total BLAST GREAT BAR LIVELY!! check out the great new downtown.. . this year staying close to old homestead in SouthTowns . Hampton Inn Hamburg - check it out great $$ location #BillsMafia LeftCoast Chapter
  6. remember grasshoppers.... today is the first day of the rest of your hard lives you rock dude
  7. N E V E R ultimate Fan-hate since 1960
  8. ya good thought, bad bad dude byebye sammy new character dudes we have dont like these trumplike distractions
  9. Well stated. hey I'm old dude, started going to Old RockPile in 1960...feel good about these 2 young-uns Pegs hired with NFL credentials ,connections decendants of Character team building NFL coaches. jmho #BILLSMAFIA forever
  10. wack him now hes set for life
  11. take your truck with u rexy ur a dimwit..Maybe on Tuesday?
  12. Wack the DimWit now make our day... He is a buffoon egomaniac living in a dreamworld..." I'm a good coach..."
  13. you nailed the bullet points, my sentiment exactly..... I'm down with my pre-game 8-8 But good news that jerks,fish lost and pattycakes may get it 2nite
  14. Our group of 2⃣0⃣ ready 2⃣ Rock Tailgaters All! Even bringing a PattyCake fan
  15. great read, thx for posting
  16. wtf.. been lurking and quiet to long... I need to VENT! all this dumb ass redneck gives is poor spin and major exuses... 50 year fan, wife of 30 years thinks I'm totally insane for doing it year after year. This guy is a dum f#@$%^. I know the type, thinks he's smarter than everyone else.... Glad I got DIr TV to give me the ticket for free, thanks to you posters for the script.. dum f$%^& all around.. .. why don't they see it?? We all know it.. bye bye ralphie, time to go...... I am done. AS posted many times here now we will screw up our draft position and end up with another loser..
  17. What a DUM F@#$%^& !!! ROTFLMAO... Duh Duh Duh Duh ! IS he just out of Attica?? Typical NY asswipe! Luv it.... on a scale of stupidity.. you can't get low enough.. but he probaobly goes low every chance he gets....hahahahahahah! made my day..
  18. Thanks for all the info! Only took one call - just hung up with Direct TV. Used the local cable competition internet bundle and wife on my ass about saving $$$ story.... Since I was a loyal customer , Sweet Alice, lowered my bill $30 a month for 1st 12 months, $10 next 12 and gave me the ticket for 4 payments of $39.00. THX DTV. Call you next year!
  19. Your Olive Branch was good for 1 game.. loadmouth downstaters -jits suck..., it was great watching pattycakes getting their asses kicked...but time for the jits to go down in Pitt.. GO Packers.. ..
  20. I saw one other Bills hat in our small remote town over the years..Once a BILLS fan always a BILLS fan..... I'm one of the 50 year fools.... people understand the loyalty aspect and just laugh, and they don't talk smack about em because there is no smack to talk!
  21. its deja vu all over again or is it all a bad dream, why did i renew the ticket, at least I have my DUCKS! QUACK ATTACK!!
  22. I called to cancel last week and they offered it to me for 6 payments of $30, so I kept it...
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