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  1. and dont forget Willie Totten http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willie_Totten
  2. Reason NCAA doesnt want to pay players is because they would lose their "amateur" statuse and they and players being paid would have to pay taxes. I know it would be controversial but I am pretty sure if the Govt made orginizations such as NCAA and Ministries pay taxes that would lower the debt alot maybe even wipe it out On another note USC got 2 years for 1 player being caught just 1, Ohio State and Miami better get more than that with multiple players already being caught hell OSU coach and NCAA let players they knew of play in a BCS bowl game to not lose money
  3. Couldn't agree more, the SB teams where the greatest collection of talent in NFL History, coaching held tha tteam back, they should have won all 4 games if we had a better coach Flame away Marv Levy lovers
  4. Reason L.A. lost the Raiders and Rams are easy, 1 fans didnt want to go to the Coliseum and hope you came back unharmed or that your car would still be in the parking lot when you came out, for those of you who dont know the Coliseum is smack in the middle of South Central and in those days gang violence was rampant, and alot of the customers where the gang bangers. Who wants to take or risk their family to that and pay premium $$ at that, also, the city refused to pay Al Davis to stay and burden the tax payers wit hthe cost of a new stadium with no guarntees from Al. The Rams slightly different story, first off the Rams where in Orange County where the Angels currently play the stadium was a mess and Georgia was running the team in the ground and wanted a big pay day once again with no guarantees of the Rams staying they didnt cower to the team demands and they left Both franchises had a few down years before they left and both struggled to fill the stadiums because the product sucked and constant threats of moving where like well then leave already. If you bring in quality ownership in the Los Angeles area and a team that is at least competitive any owner would make a killing, but in my opinion though Buffalo is always mentioned I seriously doubt they would be the franchise to move, remeber the Vikings still dont have a new stadium approved and jacksonville situation to me is a mess. Not to mention San Diego lease is up and the city wont approve a new stadium either. If and this is a big IF Magic is trying to bring a team here it would be a huge success based on his name alone. Other rumors are he is preparing to run for Mayor of Los Angeles or that his health is failing and he is gonna go out wit ha bang and spend his money while he can
  5. " James Harrison, who signed a 6 year $51 million dollar contract in 2009, went home and told his wife, if they dont let me play my game I am gonna retire. Harrison's wife promptly gave him a shot to the head, thus Harrison is back at practice today"
  6. saw something on CBS that Nebraska is auctioning off game worn jersey's of their players on EBAY and funneling it to the "general scholarship fund" and it is legal but what AJ Green did with his own property was illegal ...Huh?? On USC thing they get handed down one of the most severe penalties ever when 1 player just 1 player was in violation seems a bit extreme, but instead of taking away scholarships which hurts kids and taking away bowl appearances and altering record books....why not fine the school the money they got from bowls with the the years in question and let them play in bowls just not be able to accept the money for the years in question...my understanding is Pac 10 splits all bowl payments evenly amongst schools so by not having to give free rides abut still getting bowl money from other schools reall ycosting USC anything or just punishing innocent kids
  7. so does he think Jim Kelly and Thurman will get on track and Bruce will start getting pressure and the Bills will make their 5th straight Super Bowl ??? or did he say at last count the future looks bright, the Bills will make record profits this year, hows that for a bottome feeder team LOL
  8. Lee Evans is overrated, best Bills have but Lee Evans = Peerless Price IMHO
  9. You know that players at USC got paid by personal account, because the NCAA report named 1 player and 1 player only in the Football program that got illegal benefits and that was Bush. This is what makes the penalties even more ridiculous in my opinion, if they found a # of players sure give them the harsh penalty. But with all the big time players coming through USC and they could find evidence of just 1 Come on To me the NCAA is hurting current athletes for violations of former athletes, take away all the bowl money and fine them and make them ineligible to recieve money from bowl games for 2 years or so, or make that money go to a general scholarship fund rather than the athletic department. Taking away scholarships actually saves the program money if calculated over 4 years probably more than what they would make in a BCS bowl, so who is really hurt in all this?? The student athletes who dont get to compete on the highest level, a bowl game, and kids who cant get a scholarship at a top program and maybe still get picked up just because of that and make it big in the NFL ie Matt Cassell
  10. Uncapped year next year Nate will be franchised and if there is value will be traded before next years draft there isnt anyone worth it in this years draft
  11. Nate will be franchised not traded
  12. Pinks on La Brea is the hot dog place, go to hollywood and highland to see graumans chinese theatre Los Angeles is expensive you will pay for parking everywhere ya go Miyagis on sunset there is no cover decent sushi but drinksare around $10or more whereever ya go, check out the santa monica pier and 3rd st prominade in santa monica or venice beach on a weekend also some nice beach bars in hermosa beach
  13. What kind of music are you into ?? If into the club scene check out clubplanet.com can find good clebs there and get on guestlists, if you are trying to go out in Hollywood get on a guestlist or you probably wont get in have fun the weather out here has been great
  14. Rod Woodspn is the only HOF Player on that list and he was a 1st round draft pick Bam Morris is in jail
  15. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=nona...v=tsn&type=lgns Enjoy reading
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