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Everything posted by meazza

  1. lol That was fun.
  2. Your country has been going down this ***** hole for the last twenty years. It didn’t start with trump and it won’t end with him. So yeah, take a step off the ledge. Your elections are a sham anyways. Coke vs Pepsi. Both will give you diabetes and make you fat.
  3. You’re an angry person. The hate is strong in this one. Patriots don’t have hate in their hearts. Those people who stormed the capitol may be bad people but you’re no better gringo.
  4. Doubt it. Life is too short bro. happy new year.
  5. Lol I’m not American gringo.
  6. In one, you’re destroying the neighborhoods of already disadvantaged people in the name of justice. In the other, you’re stopping from completing the selection of the worlds biggest duopoly, republicans vs Democrats. As an outsider I’ll tell you, American democracy is the biggest farce that has existed for a very long time.
  7. I don’t know. I’m pretty sure you have a huge body of evidence from which to choose from over the summer. You can believe what you wish. I just find transplants post highly dishonest which is standard for him
  8. Is that a real question ? This took a split second to google. https://www.google.com/amp/s/globalnews.ca/news/7015013/george-floyd-protests-st-louis-police-shot/amp/
  9. You take this stuff way too seriously.
  10. It appears that someone is living rent free in your head.
  11. It’s nice to see that @shoshin is continuing his crusade to shut ppp down Don’t miss this place one bit. adios
  12. That’s the story of 99% of soccer stars.
  13. In Napoli he’s a god. He won two championships in a city that is dirt like that can never possibly compete against the northern giants. Not sure if you could really compare to anything in American sports.
  14. What mission would that be you mouth breather?
  15. I would ask if he could expand on antifa being just an idea ?
  16. He’s wrong about everything. He called me a right winger Of course he’ll comment on how I said I was leaving well I’ll never pass up the chance to club a seal on the head.
  17. I don’t think we need to subject the world to more Sean hannity. 40m a year for that garbage
  18. I learned not to try to calm down your wife by telling her to calm down as that is like throwing gasoline on the fire.
  19. Too later, you’re already infected.
  20. Not sure how that helps him. This election is going to Biden. I say this as someone who bet on Trump earlier in the summer.
  21. I literally just did that but I wasn’t talk about that.
  22. I didn’t say I condone it but let’s not get carried away. It was obvious that he was referring to a boycott because with his very next post said good bye.
  23. Sucks to be you then asshat.
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