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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Or something like this: or This: Yeah real hideous.
  2. Are the model's doing ok???
  3. I think the bigger question is, is Rick vaccinated? A flu almost wiped out the entire surviving crew in season 3 but getting stabbed by rusted metal and he's A-OK!
  4. Rick explaining the smile has to be one of the worst written scenes in the history of the show.
  5. I thought I was a Muslim apologist/ cultural relativist wanting the west to be taken over by an inferior culture. I can't keep up anymore
  6. Not really he's just a douche
  7. Let's be honest, who amongst us doesn't feel like telling milo to go !@#$ himself especially after the Low iq comment.
  8. Last nights episode of real time was a joke. The intelligence agencies are putting their careers on the line to stop trump because they know he is a criminal and they are patriots. No irony at all from the guy who lost his **** because of the Iraq war and blindly Listening to the intelligence agencies... But the biggest scandal of the night according to most of the media is that Maher was nice to milo lol
  9. Shave your beard hippy
  10. My oldest brother has Justin Trudeau hair while I refuse to embrace reality.
  11. http://www.timesofisrael.com/dutch-anti-islamist-presidential-candidate-calls-moroccan-migrants-scum/ In my opinion anyone with hair like this should be as far away from making critical decisions as possible.
  12. A touching eulogy.
  13. Anytime Russia is brought up, I'm replying with that.
  14. No. So basically you are owed 8 years of backtaxes.
  15. I think living in California you haven't met enough Eastern Europeans and Russians who lived through the worst of the USSR and current Russian regime. Very naive if you ask me.
  16. Scary that he's a professor.
  17. That's like a kidnapper releasing their prisoners because they get arrested and calling the kidnapper a liberator. Oh you crazy lefties. Actually, apparently I'm one too now.
  18. You were saying something? Sorry I was distracted by your avatar.
  19. No we're not. Again, you could write paragraphs and paragraphs of BS, you're still wrong.
  20. Reset button. I'll have more flexibility after the election. You mean wipe like a cloth?
  21. It's clear that meat head doesn't get it.
  22. Because it's great. I really enjoy the perks of being this handsome.
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