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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Phew, that's a relief.
  2. Like I said, bitchin tan. Jews? Wouldn't it depend on if they are Askhenaz or Sephardic?
  3. lol sure. I'm not "white" by the way.
  4. @DC Tom, your bot is sleeping.
  5. That doesn't make any sense. So not only are you a homophobe but you're incoherent as well? Have you gotten yourself checked out by a specialist?
  6. So your insult is to call me gay? Is being gay something that is supposed to be insulting? When did you become a homophobe? I thought Liberals were for gay rights?
  7. You said spelling not grammar. There isn't one. And you need a spell check application to validate 4th grade education?
  8. What word did he misspell ?
  9. Never has a relevant thing to say. Worse than Tiberius. Oh well.
  10. Yep It's all in the way we cook the sauce.
  11. I'll answer on his behalf. Yes.
  12. There are a few drawbacks including being profiled because you look Lebanese.
  13. I usually have a B word'in tan being an Italian from the south.
  14. Someone is getting fired from Mcdonalds.
  15. Wouldn't he be paying roughly 70 cents on the dollar NJ Sue?
  16. I missed the original post. Funny as hell.
  17. Since when can guests post in this forum?
  18. I am enjoying it more than breaking bad.
  19. I charge per correction. As successful as he is I don't think he has the funds to pay for a full correction.
  20. I've been snubbed yet again.
  21. I think I speak for B-Man and everyone on this board when i say Yes.
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