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Everything posted by meazza

  1. I don't want to jinx my city but Montreal has a very large Muslim community from mostly french speaking countries such as Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon and Tunisia but there seems to have been (thankfully) very few issues. Could be a good case study.
  2. Deporting US citizens?
  3. It actually seems to be the children of immigrants rather than the immigrants themselves. In that case, it's probably too late. Tiberius?
  4. Not the same at all. In Quebec it was a group of people, it wasn't lone inspired terrorists.
  5. Honest question, how do you stop it? There is a major difference between what is happening in places such as Nigeria (terrorist attack yesterday) which is organized terror and lone wolf attacks from terrorist sympathizers. Also, how do you pinpoint a would be attacker? This guy was British born as opposed to someone who came in as a refugee or immigrant.
  6. You also need to take into account that you're watching UEFAlona vs Mafia FC. Who knows which team will put more pressure on the refs to call a few phantom PK's?
  7. You fail to realize that 1) I'm Canadian and have no skin in this game aside from hipsters trying to cross the border and spilling their latte's onto their ipad's. 2) I don't support Donald Trump 3) I don't support Hillary Clinton 4) I simply am enjoying the meltdown. 5) I'm enjoying how over the last 8 years Russia wasn't an issue and now it's the equivalent of all the world's ills. Again, you're new here, get to know the room before you open your mouth asshat.
  8. Reset button I'll have more flexibility after the election
  9. I'd prefer if Ivanka is in charge. Do you have an issue with a woman running the country or are you a sexist?
  10. I agree. Though I think they will beat Barcelona.
  11. Says anyone who has actually done some research.
  12. Remember Heysel.
  13. So far toms bot has been pretty spot on
  14. Political parties are private. It is up to them to protect their data from hacking. Did you have a problem when the Obama admin tried to influence the Israeli election? I guess they changed their passwords from "passwords" to something a little trickier.
  15. If you consider hacking the RNC hacking the election, yes I would. But I also love pointing out hypocrisy. Russia was everyone's BFF until Trump won.
  16. Oh and : First: Wiki is not a source you should be posting here. Second: The DNC is not a government entity, it is a private entity.
  17. It has nothing to do with him being left or right, he is there to interpret the law which he has argued faithfully today.
  18. How the hell did Al Franken become a senator?
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