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Everything posted by meazza

  1. I expected that. Either you're joking or you need to go out more.
  2. It doesn't but I'm still allowed to comment on a ridiculous post.
  3. North African/Middle Eastern girls are really hot.
  4. What? You don't trust a random leftist who just posts memes from "Republicans suck" twitter feed?
  5. You're also a Bills fan which means that you've taken the difficult path.
  6. Because he's an idiot. Remember every crime committed by a Muslim is terrorism.
  7. There are also tons of metal detectors in shopping malls, offices and hotels. There are also tons of armed soldiers walking the streets which we are also now seeing in European cities like Rome and Paris.
  8. Not me. If the season ends on a stupid cliffhanger and I wasted 16 episodes trying to find out, I'm done.
  9. Does anyone think that the war will only start next season? As in, season 7 was the build up and nothing interesting will happen until season 8? Are the writers this stupid? If that happens I'm filing a lawsuit.
  10. You took a break from beating off?
  11. When pastajoe stops being a shill and when gator composes a legible post without copy pasting from a left wing blog.
  12. Nanker gets my vote because he deposited 20k into my bank account.
  13. Again, why does the minority not matter when it's a minority you don't care about? Personally I don't actually care about the bill, I just enjoy pointing out inconsistencies in people's arguments.
  14. I didn't say there was none I said for the amount of muslims who live here it is relatively quiet. !@#$ing jackass.
  15. You're an idiot.
  16. That's not terrorism. 1) Murder 2) Hate speech
  17. That's an honor killing not terrorism.
  18. And would it also apply to countries such as Senegal where the majority of the population is Muslim but has virtually no terrorism?
  19. It was 22 below the last 2 weeks and there are potholes that are larger than most vehicles. Not sure how lucky I am.
  20. It is simply due to the types coming in based on the language.
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