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Everything posted by meazza

  1. The only reference to Nacho was when Walter and Jessy kidnap Saul and he begs and says, "It wasn't me it was Ignacio".
  2. No they didn't they killed Crazy 8 and Emilio. Nacho was never in Breaking Bad.
  3. That's what the world needs, the most powerful troll in the world.
  4. Because he's an obnoxious blowhard and incompetent fool.
  5. We get it, the Democrats suck too. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/shep-smith-trumps-classified-info-issue-potentially-far-more-dangerous-than-anything-hillary-did/
  6. http://www.mediaite.com/trump/the-intelligence-trump-divulged-to-russian-officials-came-from-israel/
  7. http://www.mediaite.com/online/erick-erickson-i-know-one-of-the-sources-of-wapo-story-its-even-worse-than-reported/
  8. Seriously Paul was enough. Not another one.
  9. Why do you say that?
  10. But the reality is, more people won't be better off and more people won't be out of destitution. See I'm from Quebec, all the policies you want are already in place here and the economy is in the shitter and has been for the last 20 years.
  11. So you want a shittier economy where less people are better off and no middle class?
  12. Of course you agree with him because you're a moron.
  13. Watching people like Pasta Joe lose their **** is quite entertaining.
  14. I didn't insult him personally.
  15. I agree. We all knew there was going to be a breakdown and yet I was impressed at how it was executed.
  16. Yes but you will be red shirted.
  17. How could he? Hollande wasn't even in power then.
  18. So macrons emails get dumped by Wikileaks and no one changes their mind. Sorry Hillary.
  19. Looks like the deep state took down lepen. #d'hommage
  20. Supplement. Just to give you an idea, a large percentage of my income taxes (which are the highest in North America) go to the health care budget and yet that's not enough to get treatment. And just an FYI, sooner could be a year sooner which is a lot if you're suffering from a medical condition. Also, it's incredibly difficult to get a family doctor. What province?
  21. Again, I live in a country with socialized medicine and yet I pay for health care because wait times are just way too long. He's really that ignorant.
  22. Thanks Conspiracy Theory/Hipster Bot.
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