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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Ask #34.
  2. Yes I think so. He was about to try and blow up la segrada familia but decided running people over made more since because of a fat white dude in a city he's never heard of.
  3. Sure thing buddy. On Thursday a man ran over people in Barcelona as a terrorist attack and yet CNN still managed to find the time to say, "terrorist attack in Spain, now back to discussions about white supremacists."
  4. That church is beautiful. What a bunch of animals*. *I apologize for referring to terrorists and murderers as animals.
  5. Hijacking a GOT thread? Shame!
  6. So says the prophecy.
  7. At least one apparently. Who knew that every time I would shop at the bay I was supporting slavery? https://www.google.com/amp/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4248206
  8. Yeah azalin is a real brain washed alt righter.
  9. http://www.timesofisrael.com/ivanka-and-jared-targeted-with-vivid-anti-semitic-rhetoric-in-vice-doc/
  10. Thought I'd share this: http://business.financialpost.com/opinion/health-cares-free-in-canada-right-wrong-and-youre-paying-a-lot-more-than-you-think/wcm/6a67d728-f163-41a6-a371-c883b10fe73d
  11. Look up Linda Sarsour.
  12. Yep. The buck stops here.
  13. Well thank god the new administration would show the world who our real friends are: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/232959
  14. Sessions didn't do his job?
  15. His voice though. Annoying.
  16. You could also program your bot to answer reporters.
  17. Just got back from Portugal. I enjoyed it much more than Italy.
  18. http://www.torontosun.com/2017/07/10/actor-mark-margolis-undergoes-emergency-brain-surgery Get well soon Hector!
  19. Chuck is not Asian, he'd never pull it off.
  20. This isn't the walking dead. Chuck is dead.
  21. Rip chuck After ripping apart his house what else can he do? He clearly lost it and he knew it.
  22. He wants him alive so he can torment him
  23. Man chuck is cold blooded.
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