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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Now I remember why I originally had you on ignore. The Italian leagues consists of more than just Italian players. There is a ton of talent that starts regularly on most national teams so I don't know what point you're trying to make. There's a ton of talent in the English league but it certainly doesn't show in their results since 1966. And with regards to Italians, some of the top coaches are Italian, for some reason, they decided to give a no name like Ventura a chance and he failed miserably. And I would cheer for Belgium but their coach is a complete asshat for never properly giving Radja Naingolan a fair shot.
  2. Ok old man. I didn’t say that it was comparable to the golden ages but it’s still an interesting league and there is a lot more parity.
  3. I disagree, although I am biased, série a has been interesting the last few years. Juve seems less likely to walk away with it and Napoli, inter and lazio are playing very well and fun to watch. I’d say what is missing is the promotion of the league, something that the EPL has mastered and used to attract tons of fans.
  4. Go to hell
  5. I Got flipped off by a cyclist too. Classy bunch.
  6. Eventually she will get so angry she will melt. Thats trumps plan.
  7. Because he's a moron. Im surprised he hasn't created accounts on political forums to respond to those who criticize him.
  8. I figured it out in 1995.
  9. How about no more anthems anywhere?
  10. And yet he likes the walking dead...
  11. I was hoping for something post ds9/nemesis. Kind of tired of the Klingons.
  12. Yes because the intercept is an uninformed rag.
  13. You mean the one where Hamas was building tunnels into Israel? Yeah let's just stand by and watch what happens.
  14. I'd expect Trump to sound a lot like Tiberius.
  15. Wouldn't that be the Ivan drago statue ?
  16. Were they paid $15 an hour and did they have access to free education and health care ?
  17. Cool story bro.
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