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Everything posted by meazza

  1. So what is the point of origin exactly?
  2. Sorry but just to clarify, are you saying this is a false flag?
  3. Especially since British Columbia is supposed to have a major earthquake so he effectively wants them to go there so they get wiped out during The big one.
  4. Tom I think your houseplants are much smarter.
  5. So you’re saying that Israel and Gaza don’t trade rocket fire every once in a while? Yes they’re prepared to fight on all their borders since they’ve been in perpetual war since 1948.
  6. And how did they prepare for it? They literally attack each other every 3-4 months. This wasn’t unexpected but neither will the next time or the one after that. Dont want it to happen ? Don’t fire rockets into Israel from Gaza.
  7. Because his iq is like really high
  8. Isn’t that 90% of the posters here?
  9. And your new nickname is Richard spencer.
  10. No you've met Jews not Israeli's. There's a difference asshat.
  11. You've never met an Israeli have you?
  12. The hate is strong with this one.
  13. Cool story bro. Actually it was Chelsea and Atletico mouth breather.
  14. They did up until yesterday. Now it's rage against the machine.
  15. How is this any different than before?
  16. Yet Roma won their CL group. Eat a dick.
  17. It's a waste of time debating row_33. He's Tiberius level stupid.
  18. Your knowledge of the situation is laughable but this isn't anything new.
  19. The media reporting on this issue seems to treat the Palestinians like animals who can't control their emotions without realizing how condescending that is.
  20. Are you saying that Arab's can't be civilized and control themselves? Do you not realize how racist that is?
  21. Yes but did the receiver perform a football move?
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