What narrative? Islamic terrorism exists just ask the people subjegated to it in Iraq, Syria, Israel and the rest.
White nationalist terrorists seem to get their own threads.
so what point exactly were you trying to make?
Canada is fine. Just don’t want another bib.
Tolerance in what sense? PPP has always been like this, it’s just that the idiots eventually implode in their own rage If idiocy of you give them enough time.
I’ve been on tsw for the last 20 years and this sub forum has always been lightly moderated. Very few people get banned but there are tons of intolerable posters that simply go on my ignore list.
We all prefer it this way but i reckon maybe 2 or 3 posters agree or sympathize with someone like the dude while the rest will tell
to ***** off so to paint the sub forum as anything other than a group of people who want to discuss politics is disingenuous.
Again does my opinion of bibi mean that I necessarily support a more left leaning politician especially in a country in which you could be moderate and have to align with other parties to actually get something done.
I don’t like him as a leader and personally don’t think he is good for the long term benefit of Israel. Many Israelis i know who live in Tel Aviv agree with me.