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Everything posted by meazza

  1. I have a member of my family who is in Tel Aviv.
  2. What point are you trying to make ?
  3. Jewish, Muslim and Christian.
  4. Whatever it is, the beaches are nice and the food is good.
  5. The religious context is the location of the Temple Mount and the Al Asqa Mosque as well as the final resting place of Jesus. In terms of land, surrounded by beaches and great weather. I went once and would love to go back.
  6. I’m aware. I was just commenting on if the USA decided to put pressure on Israel by limiting funds and arms sales, they’d probably still find away. It’s not really borrowed if you never pay it back.
  7. I don’t know about their home grown abilities to build weapons but if hamas that has access to only smuggled goods is able to build rockets, pretty sure that Israel can manage. They also appear to have a strong relationship with India and other countries now.
  8. Everyone always talks about the foreign aid from the US to Israel but the us also sends money to 1.5 b to Egypt, 600m to Pakistan, 1b to Iraq, 1b to Yemen. You should also look at how much the rest of the world sends to the West Bank and Gaza. It’s an irrelevant talking point. Israel has already taken steps to live without American aid if it was to ever happen.
  9. No the presence of soldiers angers the people praying at the mosque. They are right to be angry but there also shouldn’t be people throwing rocks at the kotel. Because you push the voices of those who want peace and coexistence. How else would 2 million Israeli arabs live in Israel?
  10. https://www.jns.org/abbas-signals-postponement-of-palestinian-elections-provoking-rival-hamas/ WIth regards to Netanyahu, I already said earlier in my posts that I believe that the violence from Hamas gives him greater leverage. I don't like Netanyahu. But how do you handle people throwing rocks at others praying? Israeli police generally doesn't enter the site. It is controlled by the Waqf (sp?). Again, these are all situations where they are being provoked into reacting.
  11. From what I understand at Al-Asqa, there were Palestinians that were throwing rocks at Jews praying at the Wailing Wall. The police intervened and unfortunately many who were not involved in this incident were victims of police aggression. This is similar to a few years ago where some Palestinians stabbed some people at the entrance of the mosque, the Israeli's put metal detectors and ***** hit the fan. Conveniently during Ramadan again. This is my understanding of the story. Also, with regards to violence, it hasn't only been in the WB. Look at Lod and Acre and it's been both sides but beyond those incidents, there have been several of Arabs and Jews coming together to denounce the violence. I think that should be the focus.
  12. It's a terrible tactic that Hamas uses to get support from the Palestinians in the West Bank. The Palestinians in the West Bank are dissatisfied with Fatah and Hamas is trying to show them that they are able to hurt Israel. Yes it is working. As I told you earlier, Abbas cancelled the elections in the WB because he knew that he would lose to Hamas. His excuse was that he wouldn't hold elections if Israel wouldn't allow East Jerusalem residents to vote. Guess what Israel did? If Hamas takes control of the WB, it will be a disaster.
  13. I never said you did, I said that the narrative is that there are many that don't believe Israel has a right to exist at all. I will say one thing, I am pro-palestinian as much as I can be. It breaks my heart to see what is happening to Gazans but i disagree with most Palestinian activists about the cause. I think their misery lies at the feet of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Iran. Israel's government just takes advantage to keep the status quo. If you want to follow an interesting Israeli who is a legimitate peace activist, follow Rudy Rochman. If more people like him spread the word, there is a greater chance for peace.
  14. There is definitely rIght wing Israeli's that were singing "Kill the Arabs" in Jerusalem two weeks ago and I'm not going to deny that but this hate during the rallys were world wide. That being said, with all the hate Jews have received and the fact that they were practically exiled from many countries in the Middle East, why wouldn't they move to Israel?
  15. So the people singing kill the Jews and rape their daughters in London driving in luxury cars who are probably not even Palestinian but Arab are fighting their oppresors?
  16. Come again? Can't you make the same argument for the Jews? Exiled from most Arab countries and attempted extermination out of Europe? The more anti semitism rises such as in France, the more Jews move to Europe.
  17. Israel just had its fourth election and it seemed like a coalition was forming without Bibi but rather with a right wing and left wing coalition as well as an Islamist Arab knesset member who was the king maker. All that is now no longer happening.
  18. As I said before, the Jews were exiled from their land and lived as second class citizens all over the Middle East and Europe. I know many that eventually fled due to rising anti semitism. This eternal struggle pushed by hamas will only doom generations of Palestinians into early graves.
  19. It basically talks of the time Mohammed massacred the Jews. What would I do? I’d be upset. But would I use the billions in international aid to build rockets or try to build on the land I do have. Why would Arabs leave Israel ? They live there now. They have coexisted before like in lod. It is the extremists on both sides that wanted to destroy that fabric.
  20. Khaybar khaybar al yahud. Ring a bell? That was chanted during the pro Palestinian protest this weekend in my city. I also have people close to me who were assaulted because they were walking with Israeli flags. Yes, anectodal.
  21. Yes they are, they are fighting for Jerusalem.
  22. Right. Tell that to all the Jews that were ethnically cleansed from Morocco, Algeria, Iran, Yemen, Iraq, Jordan, Libya to name a few. This weekend there was a very large protest in my city of about 5000 people that were mostly Moroccan, Algerian, Tunisian and Lebanese for a pro palestine protest. Guess what they were chanting, it certainly wasn't about peace. What about the 20% of Israeli Arabs that are either Christian or Muslim that live in Israel proper?
  23. The Abraham accords disagree with you. Do the leaders speak from both sides of their mouths, yes, but they prefer Israel over Iran.
  24. It's also escalated by people who have an interest in keeping this conflict going on indefinitely. Hamas wants to show the Palestinians that they can take on Israel. Netanyahu all of a sudden is going to retain power as the talks of a new coalition are no longer happening. Fatah has cancelled elections. Reporters love to report on the conflict in Gaza now that Covid is dying out.
  25. The Arab world has come to accept Israel. Iran has been backing and arming Hamas and Hezbollah.
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