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Everything posted by meazza

  1. Which is what defines punk.
  2. So mention the Red Sox.
  3. I only like the Rage part. I take j00 all to !@#$ing hell.
  4. Not really. I don't care to be honest. I can guess it has something to do with pedophilia since you're so !@#$ing dumb you can't come up with anything original.
  5. I don't know if I will finish it. I get tired of these GTA type games after a while. The missions are fun but eventually, I just get tired of driving through the city.
  6. Sorry I'm not an actor. If i was, I wouldn't be arguing over the internet with some peasant from New Jersey.
  7. Who the hell is Mr Polansky you !@#$ing retard.
  8. And yet they're both equally grotesque.
  9. There is no ring. But paypal me 25$ and i'll send you a special t-shirt.
  10. Because you're part of the Circle-Jerk. You never heard of the TSW Illuminati?
  11. I don't think it was remorse... i think he regretted not shooting a thief in the head.
  12. It isn't a bad investment. The Texans paid nearly that much for the expansion team.
  13. If only I had access to the NY Times... oh crap I wouldn't have read the whole article anyway
  14. I think she got kidnapped by the Chinese as well.
  15. True, he could easily sell this franchise for a huge profit. I don't know the exact figures but I heard that RW got this team for peanuts. He actually is a rich man who cares about the city of Buffalo... but how long will it last?
  16. Unfortunately, the more I look at it, the more it seems it's going to eventually happen. Fanbase means nothing to the NFL and the owners. Luxury boxes are the key.
  17. When did the Oilers move I think you meant the Jets.
  18. Joe, not for anything but a shrinking market like Buffalo's is almost lucky to have an NFL franchise.
  19. It's amazing it could even turn its wheels.
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