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Everything posted by meazza

  1. I remember once my uncle was over and my mom had made spaghetti with meatballs. He's like Maria, when you have a chance, could you please teach my wife how to cook some meatballs
  2. You guys seriously need my mom to cook for all of you. Then you'd forget all of your recipes
  3. You degrade your own thread. Good job.
  4. That's the plan.
  5. No A. Meazza.
  6. I went 3 years with an afro. Never again.
  7. I bring you up? What about how you told Ed that I troll 14 year old girls? Get a life jackass.
  8. Good one, so it looks like Ed was right.
  9. You need to diversify.
  10. Serves him right for the joke about the Polish dude.
  11. Should I begin making fake promises and banning gay marriage?
  12. You seem to think people care.
  13. Deep Purple. NOFX. Wu Tang Clan. Adriano Celentano. Black Sabbath. Led Zepplin.
  14. I guess it's true when they say you learn something new everyday.
  15. they both never happened. it's called correlation
  16. So it's obvious i'm the only one who will answer, am i right or what.
  17. He's too stupid to understand your advice.
  18. And according to them, it wasn't 30 generations before they saw another championship.
  19. You're crazy. I don't think there is a movie that I enjoyed watching as much as Scarface.
  20. Is there a better movie out there?
  21. Ya but the difference is, you're actually wrong
  22. I figured. I mean if he gets his material off eryn, how original can it be.
  23. Most punk bands, and i should know i grew up listening to that play 3 chords.
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