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Everything posted by meazza

  1. In what way shape or form?
  2. Italy has high unemployment in the south. The reason being that the people in the south would rather be farmers. Canada is somewhat Socialist and yet has reasonable levels of unemployment.
  3. I would say when the Bills win the superbowl. The heads exploding at ESPN would be enough to cause a global meltdown.
  4. Heh I am behaving, I just speak the truth
  5. Why can't we all just agree that the Leafs suck?
  6. Personally I think the whole priest has to take a life of celibacy thing is BS. One of the main reasons I never became religious, because I dont believe in what the Catholic church preaches.
  7. Would that be when you start the jump or when you hit the bottom?
  8. Cool. I was listening to a radio show the other day in which they were asking older hockey analysts and reporters who the greatest NHL player of all time is. Most of the guys in my age group went with Gretzky/Lemieux but the rest came to a unanimous decision that it was Bobby Orr. I really wish I could have watched him play. No doubt must have been a thrill. Anyway, I respect any hockey fan. It's a great sport in a great continent.
  9. It's a true rivalry. Too bad I wasn't around to see it.
  10. What a joke. I stuck with Ronald Corey and you can't stick with Wade Belak?
  11. I am the Hockey God.
  12. Ok, I post first. Bruins suck, will always suck.
  13. What kind of rock? Us Canucks live in igloos
  14. I wonder if Leafs fan use this to comfort themselves at the fact that they suck.
  15. Goodfellas reference.
  16. What do you mean he's funny? Funny how funny like a clown? He's here to amuse you wtf is !@#$ing funny
  17. I think I'm the only guy who doesn't find this guy that funny. I mean he is funny, but not AJ funny.
  18. Wow you're just wrong about everything aren't you.
  19. Is there one I hate the Bruins. To me the moment I remember the most growing up watching hockey was the famous "power failure" during one of the games vs the Oilers in the finals. I still remember Ron Maclean (i believe) saying, "oh my God folks, and it looks like it's lights out in the Boston Garden". Funny thing was, the Bruins still lost the next game .
  20. I'm sure you have him convinced.
  21. Heh. The Canadians always got the worst out of the Bruins. Even when the Bruins were 1st or 2nd a few years ago, we still beat them in 6... and the best was I was there to watch it live
  22. That game single-handedly made Don Cherry look like a moron... and I love it
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